Roca Labs Gastric Bypass NO Surgery

ttheriot Posts: 20 Member
I am at an all time high with my weight. I refuse to buy new clothes, so can basically only wear yoga pants. I have a friend who lost 60+ pounds with the gastric sleeve surgery, but I DO NOT want to have surgery. There are too many complications, and not a lot of research for the long-term. Yesterday, I had given up, and was researching the best place to have the surgery when I found the Roca Labs website. I read the entire site, and was very impressed with the plan. It's hard to believe that I hadn't heard of them before. I watched and read as much as I could stand about the plan, and decided to order. I can't wait for my package to come in! I am SO excited, hopeful, and motivated!

I want to drop about 90 pounds! OMG! That's a lot! But, I saw testimonials from many people who have lost that and more with Roca Labs!

Wish me luck! And, if anyone is doing Roca, please join me by posting your success/ideas/motivation, and maybe we can help each other!


  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    Going to google Roca Labs back to respond :)

    Edited -- back from my google :)

    Congrats on wanting to start a healthy lifestyle! I started at my highest weight of all time too -- 293 pounds. Yeah....I have/had about 154 pounds to lose to get to a healthy BMI. That's scary, but not impossible.

    I've done well by just tracking my calories and working out -- it's not always easy, but it's something I can do for my whole life. I didn't gain all my weight in a couple months so I don't plan on losing it in a couple months....slow and steady is best!

    I've never heard of Roca Labs until today, and however you choose to lose weight is totally up to you :) But, what happens when you stop taking the stuff that expands in your stomach? Or is it something you are willing to take forever? The stomach doesn't shrink....only by surgery will your stomach actually shrink, so once you stop taking the Roca Labs stuff, you'll still need to portion your food properly so you don't binge once you realize you can eat more.

    I wish everyone luck on their path to losing weight, so I wish you luck too!
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    90lbs isn't as much as it sounds like. I had a goal of 75 and have already lost 23 of it. 90 is only 15 more than I set. I know it sounds like a lot when you say it out loud, but it's really not unachievable with just plain old diet an exercise. I don't know anything about this Roca Lab and I'm no expert on weight loss, but what happens when you've used up all the product, but never learned to manage without a bunch of red filler in there?
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Oh jeez... Why not just do it with water >.>
    That sounds so dangerous.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    I bought the Roco Lab Gastric mixture last year. It is a farce! It does not work. If you try to get your money back, they say that they mixed it just for youand can't refund your money.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Come on, you didn't seriously pay almost 500 bucks for this, did you OP?

    They have some kind of 'gag clause' from what I've read where you are forbidden to say anything (write anything, post anything) bad about the produce or claim it does not work. Lots of other weird "rules" too.

    I am on my way to losing 90+ pounds counting calories and staying in a calorie deficit. It is not at all complicated it turns out.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In... learn more.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    That doesn't sound safe.

    Please look up the link that Andeey posted:

    Weightloss takes time, be patient and try to keep an eye on the big picture.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Surgery is not necessary. I've lost 135 (and counting) without surgery, pills, gimmicks, etc.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Surgery is not necessary. I've lost 135 (and counting) without surgery, pills, gimmicks, etc.

    Like the gal above me, same deal here. 682 days today, hit my goal range on day 640. Eat less, move move. Track everything (weigh/measure/log).

    Good luck on whatever you do.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It sounds awful, and pointless. And $$$$$$$
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    "Leaving only 20% stomach space available for eating"
    Or, you could fill up on delicious nutritious low calorie vegetables.

    Also...they are promoting this as suitable for "childhood obesity" and pregnant women?!?!?!? SHAME on them!!!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I am at an all time high with my weight. I refuse to buy new clothes, so can basically only wear yoga pants. I have a friend who lost 60+ pounds with the gastric sleeve surgery, but I DO NOT want to have surgery. There are too many complications, and not a lot of research for the long-term. Yesterday, I had given up, and was researching the best place to have the surgery when I found the Roca Labs website. I read the entire site, and was very impressed with the plan. It's hard to believe that I hadn't heard of them before. I watched and read as much as I could stand about the plan, and decided to order. I can't wait for my package to come in! I am SO excited, hopeful, and motivated!

    I want to drop about 90 pounds! OMG! That's a lot! But, I saw testimonials from many people who have lost that and more with Roca Labs!

    Wish me luck! And, if anyone is doing Roca, please join me by posting your success/ideas/motivation, and maybe we can help each other!
    There are no quick fixes as others have said what will you do when you stop taking the stuff. As you can see I've lost over 100 pounds and its taken around 15 months. Just start slow and steady and it will work set a sensible calorie deficit and you can lose weight without gimmicks. Then when you've lost a good chunk of weight use the money that you would have spent on the expanding stomach stuff to treat yourself to something nice and worthwhile.

    Good luck and there's plenty of support here to help you lose weight in a healthy way without the aid of short term fixes
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    That sounds awful, I think I will stick to diet and exercise.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Eat less. Move more. That's all you have to do. You don't have to spend massive amounts of money on gimmicks or cleanses. You don't have to enroll in an expensive gym. Count your calories. Weigh your food. Move more by walking the dogs, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car farther from the door. These little things add up and soon you will want to be moving even more. The weight will come off. Promise. Every single person on this site has lost weight the exact same way. Eat less. Move more.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I've worked in the health care field for a long time. PLEASE do not let people chop up your intestines!!! It creates a whole host of horrific side effects! It causes Iron , calcium , vitamin and general nutrition deficiency. Medically induced bulimia frequently happens. The weight loss is so fast it frequently makes people look haggard, older and WORSE than obesity! It's hard to compliment folks on dramatic weight loss if they look like they've been terribly ill to lose it. I consider it to be quackery. Medically induced illness is a travesty! One day folks will look back on weight loss surgery and think us barbaric fools. Cause no harm!
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    please read these reviews before you had over any money .
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    This scam medication that's supposed to "simulate" the effects of surgery will, at best, make you drop weight TOO FAST and you'll suffer from deficiencies and loose skin. Also, I'm sorry but 90 lbs is not anywhere near enough extra weight to be considering something as dumb as this. Plenty of people here have lost 100+ lbs through portion control and calorie counting, which you will HAVE TO DO ANYWAY once you stop taking this junk that Roca is sending you. If you want Roca Labs experiences, here:

    Try to get a refund and do something else. I am ashamed that this scam outlet made their home in my state, but I'm not surprised. Please think more about this before you allow yourself to be bedazzled by all the quick fix glitz of scams like these.

    please read these reviews before you had over any money .

    I'm glad we were thinking the same thing! You beat me to the punch. :laugh: