Where to stop…and maintain.

So for my whole adult life I've weighed around 140. A little more and I go up a pants size. A little less, I go down. I'm 5'4 and have always been relatively active. This winter I crept up to 151, which prompted my joining MFP. I love the idea of logging food and exercise and though I'm not obsessive about it, it keeps me honest and helps me pay attention to portion size. I've very easily and successfully lost 15 pounds since the middle of January. I feel so much slimmer, healthier and of course proud. I now weigh 136 and am very comfortably in the smaller size pants. My concern is that losing is so much easier than maintaining and now that I'm at 136, getting to 130 seems reasonable. I have not and do not suffer from eating disorders but controlling what you eat and paying attention to it regularly becomes habit and I've never been very successful with maintenance. Any suggestions from those of you who've had luck losing and maintaining? And how did you know when you were at the "right" weight?


  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    An easy way to maintain is to find out your maintenance calories and not eat under or over them.Might be hard to maintain without counting calories
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    Why not try a spilt week, I can't "maintain" I am generally either dieting or not, I am very much an all or nothing kind of person. So I generally count calories on a loss basis 3/4 days a week and just try to be sensible, but more relaxed the rest of the time. That split works for me maintaining.