Running after wisdom tooth extraction

kwb87 Posts: 70 Member

I had a straight forward wisdom tooth extraction done under local anathestic on Tuesday (15/04/14) morning. By straight forward I mean they didn't had to break the tooth or remove any gum, it was just loosened and then pulled out, only took a couple of minutes.

I usually run 5km 2-3 times a week (sometimes 10km) and over the past 6 months been getting quicker and fitter. I'm registered for a charity 10km next month and want to beat my PB!

The only advice I've been given about running was to "take it easy for the first 3 days". It's now been 4 days since my tooth extraction and I really want to get running. I've been searching the internet but keep coming across horror stories about 'dry sockets' etc so not sure if I should leave it another few days or if I'm completely fine to get running again now. I do tend to be naturally over cautious. My dentist is closed over the Easter period so just wondering if any other runners have had teeth out and their experiences of this? Any advice?

Thanks for reading



  • jjj6689
    jjj6689 Posts: 10 Member
    Was your tooth pulled or cut out? When I had a large molar pulled, I returned to normal quickly. Last spring my son had his wisdom teeth removed on a Thurs. and competed in a track meet on Sat. He is a thrower though not a runner, but he had not problems.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    If you don't suck a lot of air in through your mouth while running, you shouldn't have to worry about dry sockets. I would take it easy until the sockets were healed if I were you. If you're not already training at a conversational pace, now might be the best time ever to start. Slow down until you can breathe easily and enjoy a few of those slow runs. It might even help make you faster for that next race!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I tried to exercise within days of my wisdom teeth taken out also. My gum started THROBBING.. I had to stop because I was scared I would burst the stitches. I just waited until they were taken out and watched my calories in the meanwhile. Actually..I somehow managed to lose pounds while eating lots of pudding, jello and ice cream. O.o

    I say don't risk it. It's not worth the possible disaster.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    It was pulled out, after a bit of wiggling. It was a healthy but over- erupted tooth which was removed because it was cutting into the lower gumline. Sounds like I should be ok compared to how others have gone on.

    Interesting point about slowing it down a bit autumnblade. I do actually tend to be in race mode everytime I run and I guess in the long term this isn't necessarily going to benefit bit. I could do with mixing it up a bit.

    I think I'll take this chance to slow down a bit and perhaps try a slow and steady 7-10km today. I need to learn to resist the urge to race all the time. It's just so motivating being able to do 5km in 30 seconds less every time I run :)

    Thanks a lot for the advice both, very helpful!
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I tried to exercise within days of my wisdom teeth taken out also. My gum started THROBBING.. I had to stop because I was scared I would burst the stitches. I just waited until they were taken out and watched my calories in the meanwhile. Actually..I somehow managed to lose pounds while eating lots of pudding, jello and ice cream. O.o

    I say don't risk it. It's not worth the possible disaster.

    Only just got this... thanks for your advice. I'm definitely going to take it steady over the next few days but will go for a gentle long jog and see how I feel. I made the mistake of having a hot bath about 8 hours after the extraction and felt that horrible throbbing feeling! Not nice. I haven't had stitches, just have an open wound, which I'm trying to eat around :-/
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I had all 4 cut out a couple years ago. I started running again after 3 or 4 days. I just ran till it started throbbing a little, then walked. Mine healed just fine.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I had all 4 cut out a couple years ago. I started running again after 3 or 4 days. I just ran till it started throbbing a little, then walked. Mine healed just fine.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm getting the impression from most people now that I should just take it steady and 'listen to my body' as they say.
  • Seahawk71
    I wouldn't risk it personally.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have had two teeth pulled in the past 2 years and did what most people are saying--wait 3-4 days and take another few days of easy training. I don't know that the dry socket is a huge concern, but both of my extractions healed up quickly and without any complications.

    I had an implant done March 25 (for the first extraction -- took two years to save the money and plan my FSA/insurance out of pocket strategy). The surgeon said no exercise for 72 hrs.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    Just to update everyone and to help anyone who stumbles across this. 2 and a half weeks later my tooth socket is feeling ok now. I've just started to eat on the side of the extraction. I was able to eat normal foods after 7/8 days. I went for a long brisk walk around 8 days after the extraction and then my first proper run around 4 days later by that time I felt back to normal. Thanks again for all the advice here x
  • charlescynthia
    I had my two wisdom teeth removed last year wisdom teeth extracted,my Dentist did not allow to start a running for about a Week because it was too painful.
  • hoktauri
    hoktauri Posts: 24 Member
    I had two teeth taken out about a month ago (one wisdom), the dentist saw my fitbit and told me just to not doing anything that day. The next day I was back up to my normal 6-7 miles walking and hiking.