Tracking cals burned during weight training

Hi, How do you track how many cals you have burned during a weight training session?

I used my HRM today during my weight lifting session, It says I burned 270 cals in 70 mins.

According to MFP, I burn 205 cals in 70 mins. Which one should I use? Im inclined to use the MFP value because I know HRMs are not entirely accurate for weight training...

Thanks :)


  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Unfortunately, an HRM is not "not entirely accurate" for weight training, it's just useless:

    I think it's borderline impossible to have an accurate estimate. It depends on too many factors (weights, reps, rest between sets...) so I just make sure I eat 100-200 extra calories on the days I lift to help my muscles repair themselves.
    If you do a lot of weight training you should probably consider switching to the TDEE-something% method for calculating calories. Another option is upping your Activity level on MFP if you're lifting x3 a week. :smile: