First stalled lifts... so why am I happy about it?

I starting lifting back in April of last year on a sort-of, kind-of Stronglifts program and did a lot of dumb things along the way.

Reset, restart, and I've been doing Starting Strength (SS) for a bit over a month now and just have my first stalled progress - on both squats and overhead press in the same session with a failed rep in the last set of each.

So why is this man smiling?

[1] The stall on the squat is still a new personal record and just shy of getting me into a "novice" strength rating.
[2] I tossed 3x8 light front squats on for the end of the session because I could.
[3] The layoff was forced due to open heart surgery in December.
[4] Just turned forty-seven years old.
[5] Strength up, body weight climbing slowly, waist still getting smaller.

Next session, I have every intention of getting both those over to top.

(EDIT: typing is hard.)
