Being made fun of



  • People like that are clearly ignorant and as said, probably bored with their own lives or insecure that they feel the need to direct this at other people. I would be shy and self conscious in that position too but you cant let them get to you, for two reasons: one, to satisfy their b****y ways and two, because you're the one making a change! Power through and don't let them stand in your way. Congratulations on being so motivated!!!
  • That has happened to me before when I was much younger. It is very immature behaviour. i have an acting background and I was really good at pretending such people do not exist even if they are quite obvious and in my face. This worked really well for me. I think that you handled yourself really well too!
  • Tanyastern
    Tanyastern Posts: 6 Member
    You are Beautiful! They are just immature and doing it to make themselves feel better by putting you down. You have your whole life ahead of you to be healthy and Gorgeous....please don't let them stop you! There's a saying, hurting people hurt people........ Finding someone to look up to/or Mentor you it helpful also =) Keep it up !
  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    This happened to me all the time. Then one day I just turned and calmly asked them why they did it. They didn't have an answer and they never did it again. They actually seemed to feel really horrible about what they did and started to be super nice to me.
  • coolcoolcool2
    coolcoolcool2 Posts: 21 Member
    I think most of us here have dealt with this in some way. Please don't let them get under your skin. Those kinds of people are going to deal with karma eventually.
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    Clearly, these girls are immature and lack basic manners. Now after stating the obvious, I commend you for working out regardless of their taunts. I hope it didn't keep you down for the rest of the day or prevent you from returning. Congratulations for taking steps to becoming healthier. My wish for you would be to face them and say, "Why are you being rude?" Just know that if I was there and saw someone mocking you, or anyone for that matter, I would blatantly call out their bad behaviour loud and clear!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Thing to remember is: You can lose weight. But they'll still be jerks.

    They probably talk about each other like that as well when one of them isn't around.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    DAFUQ?!? I would tell the managers at the gym about those stupid bishes. That's so disrespectful and they should be booted out on their little heineys.

    You're doing great and getting in shape FOR YOU. Just try to stay focused on your goals and remember that the majority of the people at the gym aren't like that...they either don't notice you because they are too busy working out themselves or they think "that chick's doing awesome"!

    Haaa! Haaa! Haaa! Well said! Love it!

    I agree totally!
    You sound like a very sweet person with a touch of shyness added to the recipe. If this has ever been said to you before then this is my advise...

    You need to have the "I'm a ***** and I'll kick your *kitten*!" attitude before you go in the gym. This takes practice if you are the kind gentle person. So practice on in the mirror and snarl and pump your self up. Get psyched. Yell a little, be ready.

    Next trip to the gym, if they giggle again, you give them a dirty look and ask in a LOUD voice " What are you looking at?" They will usually stop. That is a way to call out their behavior loud and clear. If they still give you attitude, jump off the machine and go directly to the management. They should scatter like flies!

    If they are mistakenly looking at another person, they will apologize and tell you no, they were not talking about you and move on. Watch them leave. Do not apologize back. Do not say, "Oh I'm sorry." Never be sorry!
    Maybe just say "Alright". Remember you need to always appear strong on the outside. Then crank up the tunes and giggle quietly.

    Good luck!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Inform management.
    Ignore them and don't let their comments bug you.
    Achieve your goals.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    You have to learn that YOU CANT FIX STUPID... You are beautiful and do you think maybe they can see you being a threat once you get to the weight that you want??? Good, go in head up just smile and know you will be the victor.. Keep going.. Just smile that pis--- people off more than if you get into a confrontation. You go girl and yes I would report it to management..
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    Remind yourself that happy people do not act that way - and then feel nothing but pity for them. PS. You are actually quite beautiful, which may be why they felt the need to attempt to knock you down.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    And yeah i'm pretty sure they were talking about me. I can tell from them tapping one another and pointing at me then laughing and from hearing them say she's wasting her time here. I'm a very shy person, I wish I had a big mouth lol

    1. prove them wrong (you're doing that already just by staying there and not letting them put you off)

    2. if you're certain they were talking about you (sounds like they were from the above) report them to gym management. You have just as much right to work out there as they do, and they don't have the right to be like that to anyone.

    3. It speaks volumes about them as people... they're young and it probably comes from a total lack of awareness and sensitivity at their age rather than a complete lack of character. I'm guessing in a few years they'll have grown up a bit and probably will be really embarrassed and ashamed about doing this kind of thing.
  • And yeah i'm pretty sure they were talking about me. I can tell from them tapping one another and pointing at me then laughing and from hearing them say she's wasting her time here. I'm a very shy person, I wish I had a big mouth lol

    You're not wasting your time. When I was in High School I was bullied, badly. I was once even attacked and had some of my hair pulled out while kids yelled to "get the fatty." I weighed 260 and decided to go to the gym after dealing with suicidal depression from all the bullying and hatred. While I was at the gym, people scoffed, they laughed.

    I think the best revenge is looking great, and almost being at my goal weight after years of suffering and doing it for myself. Loving myself. People who bully are just insecure about themselves and they take it out on you. But, in my situation, I talked to my trainer after a few incidents. I never pointed anyone out to her, but I told her how it made me feel. Talking to her actually made all the difference in the world for me, because I may have quit, but she just kept encouraging me.

    I think it would be good to talk to someone at your gym. They can be so much help. Trainers might as well be therapists in a way just because they're very encouraging and they're there to help you be healthy and happy. As my body's gotten healthier and stronger, so has my mind, and now I don't let people hurt me. I either stand up to them or brush it off and know they're not worth it.
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    I am so sorry you had to go through that! This is something I totally discourage any of my clients to do, and that is to prejudge others who are simply trying to get in better shape. Everyone is in a gym for a reason (hopefully). You made the right choice in going to the gym. Please do not let those girls bother you. I guarantee that they all have something about themselves that they may not like, so in order to feel better, they choose to make fun of someone. Those girls are insecure, and very immature. Forget about them. Keep going. You made a conscious choice to be healthier, and to get yourself in shape. Those girls are not going to stop you from doing that. They can't, and they won't. Show them that you actually care about yourself. I guarantee you that you will end up having the last laugh!

    I'll go ahead and add you. If you need any motivational support or advice, feel free to ask me.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I'm really sorry that happened to you. I kind of know how that feels. When I ventured into the free weight section, these couple of young guys started laughing at my attempts at lifting. My thoughts were "just wait and see, I will eventually be able to outperform you boys!"

    Here is a super great story that should make you feel better. Maybe someone will stand up for you if it happens again!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Put your earbuds on, hit "PLAY" on your MP3 player & do your thing ! An example --> I wear crappy old track pants & tees for my workouts...don't give a rat's a** about the fashion trend at the gym and the looks I get, I'm there for ME and ME only :) Don't let naysayers get the best of you, just get in your "zone" and give it your best !



    This x a million. The really serious people arrive early, looking a bit like zombies...actually, zombies dress better. But they have the 1000 yard stare of an athlete in the zone. It can be wall to wall bodies and you would think they are there alone, they just turn off the outside world and tune in to their body. A gaggle of giggling idiots standing around the equipment socializing is beneath your notice. Bullies can't stand to be ignored, it makes them impotent.
  • Panaru
    Panaru Posts: 36 Member
    All I can say is remember they are half the person you are. Imagine what they would do if they put on the pounds at some point in their lives.. I bet they would be too embarrassed to even try going to a gym! People like that talk big but have no real drive and in the end you are the one coming out on top. Heck I'm still too shy to even think about going to a gym! Good on you and be proud!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Some people are miserable and it's miserable to be around them. Don't worry about what anyone thinks of you. It's gonna be a long, cold road to success. Don't let anyone get in your way.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    tell them youre a marshall on a stop between flights...thatll make them stop
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    Geez, whenever I see someone out on the street trying to do exercise, I always say something encouraging to them.

    Some people have no control in their personal lives, so making others feel bad about themselves gives them some measure of control. It's stupid and it sucks, but I always try to think, "what in their life motivates them to say something like that?"

    Karma will come around and bite them on their perfectly formed rear ends while you end up happy and dancing in the sunlight.