Hi! *waves*

Hi fitness pals! (is that a noob thing to say? :P)

I've joined because my friends have got the app and recommended it.

I want to know if anyone has experienced the transition to a desk job? I've gone from exercising up to 8 hours a week to squeezing in about 4 hours..

I'm struggling with the amount of treats brought into the office and actually feel like I need to bring in more food to help me resist the cake and cookies. But I think the main issue is my self control!

Carla :)


  • muhonu
    muhonu Posts: 11
    Drink lots of water and make yourself a fruit salad or take fruit into work with you, should do the trick. having a big breakfast tends to help too. Usually I eat porridge and 3 eggs for breakfast and I'm full for a while, I don't have the need to snack.

    4 hours a week a an ok amount to train but if you want to increase the time you spend in the gym maybe train before work? I always found it hard to motivate myself after work.
    It also comes down to how bad you want to keep fit. I used to work 56 hour weeks and still managed to make time to train about 8-10 hours a week.
  • SimplySmylin
    SimplySmylin Posts: 66 Member
    I too have a desk job ( for the most part). I keep a bottle of water with me at all times. I have been switching it up by adding different fruits to give it a different flavor. And I keep healthy snacks in my office ( cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, nuts, etc.). I make sure I eat breakfast and lunch everyday. I also explained to my girls that while I'm not going to participate eating their snacks, I will still celebrate the birthdays, etc. And I told them I don't want them to stop because of me. Also, sugarless gum has helped at times. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want. I will help support and motivate you. I wish you luck in your journey.
  • bs240z
    bs240z Posts: 70 Member
    eat a quick lunch and walk on your lunch break. i too have a desk job. i try and bring a weight watcher "smart ones" a couple days a week. then you can have a mid afternoon snack to hold you over. the worst is when people bring in donuts! best of luck.