sedentary or lightly active and BMR/TDEE??

Im a bit confused as my goal is 1430 net kcal which is fine but then i checked it on another website and its says my BMR is 1580 and my TDEE (with light activity) is 2173 so am i not eating enough? im 5'3 female and 191lbs.

I have it set to lose 0.5 kg a week (1lbs) and i have it set for sedentary. I put sedentary as im a student and spend a good amount of time sitting in class, and at night i watch TV or im studying. However in between this i walk 20 mins to uni everyday and back. I also find myself adding in 10 -20 mins of extra walking during the day sometimes several times because i go and get shopping etc and i cant drive (i pack my rucksac full of my shopping which usually has tins and cans so its fairly heavy). Ive also started doing the 30 day shred this week . The other night I went for a 50 min walk. im planning on using walking which i enjoy and the 30 day shred and then joining a gym near me as at some point id be very interested in heavy lifting. what im confused about is MFP goes by how much sitting around you do in your job which for me is a lot, but the other site i used said i was lightly active-it said people who walk and do light activity but no set fitness regime.

I will say that sometimes at night im hungry, especially after doing the 30 day shred. I dont know though if its just normal to be hungry after exercise and your not supposed to 'undo' it by eating?

What do you think-should i put light activity or sendatary and is my net kcal Goal ok?

Any help would be much appreciated :)