Body acceptance?..Lost weight..Still see the "old me"..

I've lost over 60 lbs now. Im just wondering if there are other out there that struggle with body acceptance? I've never had good body image..I had my first child at 18, and got a zillion stretch marks...then had 3 more kiddos ( no new stretch marks, enough with the first!)...Anywhoo...Now that my body is a lot smaller...I have maybe an even harder time looking in the mirror??...All I see is stretch marks,cellulite, and loose skin....How does one get to a place of liking/accepting what they see in the mirror...I look better with clothes on obviously lol...I just want to like what I see...:embarassed:


  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I have a really bad case of BDD. When my weight increases I want to cover my mirrors with black crepe and go into mourning.

    I don't know what you can do about the skin. I know some plastic surgeons can probably do a tummy tuck, and possibly something about the more superficial stretch marks.

    I read once that our brains lag about three weeks behind our bodies. In other words, it takes about three weeks for our brains to accept the fact that our bodies have lost weight. You could try to talk back encouragingly to your image. You know, "Yes. I know there is cellulite, and stretch marks and sagging skin but this amazing body gave birth to children. It raised them and nurtured them and it became heavy because of that but now it's thinner and healthier.The loose skin and stretch marks are a blessing because they are the symbols of what I went through to get to this place." Or, you could get some ink. It won't take away the loose skin, cellulite or stretch marks but it will take your attention away from them! :happy:
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I feel the same way. I know I'm in much smaller clothing now, but sometimes when I'm walking into a store or where ever, I feel like the old me and think people are still looking at the "fat girl". I saw a picture of myself my daughter took of me recently, and at first I didn't know who that girl was. It was me! I'm hoping my confidence comes soon!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I didn't like looking in the mirror when I was 61lbs heavier. At least know when I stand and look at my stretch saggy sags...I can at least know that I am healthier. I still have 30-40 lbs that I want to saggy sags will have sags. I am trying to be okay with least I am healthier.

    On top of my saggy sags with sags...I have abdominal hernias that just aren't pretty...I see them...saddens me...but at least I am healthier.

    Ladies...we might not have those perfect bodies...but we are healthier and can live life to the long as we don't let the saggy sags with sags...beat us.

    Love our imperfect bodies...after all...we have put out a lot of work and effort to make them healthier.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I feel the same way. I know I'm in much smaller clothing now, but sometimes when I'm walking into a store or where ever, I feel like the old me and think people are still looking at the "fat girl". I saw a picture of myself my daughter took of me recently, and at first I didn't know who that girl was. It was me! I'm hoping my confidence comes soon!

    I have been trying to find some clothes to wear that fits...I keep going to the plus sizes...I have a hard time going to the regular womens section...I keep telling myself...I am to big to wear them. I even still try on some plus sizes...they just don't fit any more. Often I just come home with nothing. I thought that I would enjoy shopping after losing this much far...I don't. I just have no idea what sizes to even try on.

    I have kept this one sweatshirt jacket that was too big even at my heaviest...I put it on almost every day and wrap up in it...I don't know...there is something about it that is comforting. It is huge on me now is my favorite thing to wear...the last thing I own of the old me.
  • sleepyraccoon
    sleepyraccoon Posts: 8 Member
    i've kind of always had this struggle since i was in middle school, but minus the kids part. i mean, i had stretch marks, cellulites, and some sagging skin, but i'm twenty pounds lighter and in my mind, that makes all the difference. with you it's an even bigger weight loss. you are sixty pounds lighter and i would imagine that with more working out and lifting weights, sagging skin would definitely not be a problem, but it also takes time. with the acceptance part, you should look into a mirror and say "i've made it this far. this wouldn't have been possible if i didn't do something about it." i mean, i think there are some gels that eventually get rid of stretch marks, but i wouldn't know. i had a surgery about four years ago and had awful scars (c-section due to a swollen appendix) and the doctors gave me a scar gel that made my scars sort of fade, but they were still visible. i don't know if that could help but it's sure worth the try since i tried it on my stretch marks and it went away!
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    I feel the same way. I am far from my goals, but I've lost a lot. It's hard to change the mentality and I'm starting to think I'll always see the "old me".

    I recently started an exercise regimen meant to build strength, so I'm hoping that all the talk of lifting for drastic changes lives up. I don't know how much of it is true, but I've read that strength training helps tighten loose skin.

    Anyway, I suppose this was just sympathy and not really helpful. I'm interested in what others have to say.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I looked at your pics and I think you look great. If you think that you're still fat, then you may want to talk to a counselor just to get some things off your chest.

    However, I do know several people on here that lost a lot of weight and had trouble accepting that they were no longer fat. And also some that haven't yet realized how stunningly beautiful they are.
  • enks07
    enks07 Posts: 74
    I know what you mean! I feel the same weight. I went from XL to S and when I see old pictures, I can totally see a huge difference. When I see myself in the mirror though or think about my body, I feel like I haven't changed at all.

    I'm not even sure if that will ever go away because I don't see it changing anytime soon. I'm also afraid that I'll want to continue losing weight once I reach my goal just because I'm not happy with the way I look, eventhough I'll probably look the way I wanted to. I'm just not able to see it myself. I guess it's a good start that I at least know what's wrong and what I need to work on.
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I didn't like looking in the mirror when I was 61lbs heavier. At least know when I stand and look at my stretch saggy sags...I can at least know that I am healthier. I still have 30-40 lbs that I want to saggy sags will have sags. I am trying to be okay with least I am healthier.

    On top of my saggy sags with sags...I have abdominal hernias that just aren't pretty...I see them...saddens me...but at least I am healthier.

    Ladies...we might not have those perfect bodies...but we are healthier and can live life to the long as we don't let the saggy sags with sags...beat us.

    Love our imperfect bodies...after all...we have put out a lot of work and effort to make them healthier.

    I love your attitude! I'm starting to get to the point where I can see loose skin already and I am marking this for when I need it. :smile: