Drinking Unsweeteend Tea



  • I am from TX and I am an odd ball that drinks unsweet tea. My grandma use to make her sweet tea so sweet you could use it as syrup lol. So growing up, my mom never made sweet tea because of my grandma. I rarely drink sweet tea. My best friend makes sweet tea but its not that sweet and i can drink it just fine. But at home, I drink ice cold unsweet tea and when i drink hot tea.. i drink fruit infused tea so I dont even sweeten that.
  • trip2fan
    trip2fan Posts: 3
    As far as I know, tea without sugar is zero in every category.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I drink unsweetened iced tea with lemon and no artificial sweetener. I do not log it. It helped me break my soda habit several years ago. In Florida, this was easy. In NC, not so much. I can get it, but I have to be careful.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Guess I'm an oddball too. I live in the south and when it's hot,ice cold unsweetened tea is my drink of choice. Infusing tea and water with fruit is another nice option. I log all beverages so I can keep tabs on my water intake, zero calories or not.
  • iwantcupcakes
    iwantcupcakes Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone for all of the information and input!!!!

    Just like others noted, I LOVE sweet tea. My family had it with dinner every night. We use a cup of sugar and gallon tea bag. With just starting my diet, I'd rather spend my calories elsewhere! I still have it from time to time but have turned to enjoy unsweetened tea that isn't very strong. I still love sweet tea, don't get me wrong, and this hasn't replaced it, it's just another drink with flavor that isn't water!
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I will never understand unsweetened tea. I guess it is something that non-Southerners enjoy for some reason. :smile:

    This Southerner (TN) loves unsweetened tea! (If it's good tea, that is. If not, I'd rather have water.)
    I weaned myself off sweetened tea when I was in college and drank lots at work (restaurant). I was concerned about the calories. Plus we didn't have sweetened tea where I worked and adding sugar myself took too much time. Now I hate sweetened tea.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I drink ice tea with stevia. I don't track my tea intake.
    Ditto. Stevia is natural.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I like tea with Nectresse. I think that is the spelling. It's made from monk fruit. I pretty much ignore the people who say don't use fake sweeteners or 'processed' stuff. I think they are overly worried about everything. Unless you live out in the middle of no where and grow your own food and hunt and all of that, then you are going to ingest fake/processed items. Just try to find the least of the evils, if you know what I mean. So, maybe try doing just plain unsweetened tea or just try to reduce sugar. Or you could do half a cup of sugar and half something else -- and you may have to try several because sometimes different sweeteners are different for different people. Stevia is great... but tastes terrible in coffee to me. I tried several and the only thing I could tolerate was Sweet-n-low. In tea, I like the Stevia or Truvia. In baking I can use a couple of different ones. Just find what works for you or go plain. Another option that I see hasn't been mentioned is to use fruit. You can put it straight in or use an infuser and add berries, slices of citrus, etc. Just try a few things and see what works best for your taste buds. :drinker:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Another option that I see hasn't been mentioned is to use fruit. You can put it straight in or use an infuser and add berries, slices of citrus, etc.
    That's a great idea! I'm totally borrowing that. My friend used to put berries in her tea, and I never really gave it a chance, but now that I am more consciously limiting sugar, I'm definitely going to try that out. I conveniently have frozen berries on hand, too. :bigsmile: Thanks!
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Some others posted to use stevia. That's what I do. I take it they use the plant. You can get it and use it mixed with the tea leafs.
  • Geoj0
    Geoj0 Posts: 145 Member
    twinnings liquorice tea is naturally sweet and i like it cold and hot. (i hate tea by the way but love this stuff)
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Some people choose to log black coffee and tea, but I prefer not to. I drink so much of the stuff and it's nice to have something that I'm not tracking!
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I'm also from Texas and only like unsweet tea. Sweet tea is just a liquid form of sugar. You might as well drink soda.

    I've been drinking unsweetened flavored seltzer water, if you get it really cold it's quite refreshing. Also, zero calories! Any tea without milk or sugar is going to be zero calories, same with black coffee.

    I'm having to really watch my liquid calories, I used to drink two homemade lattes a day, which added up to about 400 calories. I now am trying black coffee, so that immediately cut an easy 400 calories a day from a drink alone! Now I can eat more nutritious food to fill that gap.

    Reading all of these responses though, I'm thinking I won't bother tracking tea or coffee without cream or sweetener. Seems like a hassle for no real reason.
  • S_Murphree
    S_Murphree Posts: 94
    I'm from the South and love my unsweetened tea. After I found out I had gestational diabetes, I had no choice but to drink it. Now, I love it.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I make suntea for myself without sugars. Took a long time to like it, though. Reduce your sugar slowly.