Hi! I'm new looking for pals to help me get to my goals.

Hi everyone,
My name is Meg, I am 24 years old and I'm addicted to eating. I am looking to change that. I want to get healthy and drop all this extra weight. I would like to become active again. :-) A member of my family is very sick and it is time for me to stop loafing around and live my life. I have a wonderful boyfriend and I am looking for more friends to help me get to my goal and who I can help as well.

Let me know if that is you. :D



  • Hi Girly!! I am now to MyFitnessPal!! I have 2 small children and I looove food too... but the wrong foods!! I want to learn to eat healthy and enjoy the food that I eat. I want to stop being lazy and making excuses to not workout. I want a Booster!! I want to be comfortable in my own body again. Let's Do This!!
  • ayshia
    ayshia Posts: 5
    Hi hunni.
    If your picture was not up I would of thought I wrote this myself.
    Even as I write this I have just finished eating chocolate. It's not even 4pm and I feel sick because of the amount of crap I have eaten.
    I would love and value someone to team up with to reach my goal.
    I am going to start a fresh tomorrow.
    Have you started today?
  • Keholde
    Keholde Posts: 12 Member
    I would to be support buddies! The eating part is always a challenge for me, especially as the day goes on. I can do great in the morning and have a well-balance breakfast, and then lunch is somewhat decent too but then after dinner is when I just like want to binge. Even today, I had way to many honey mustard pretzels, ughhhhh. I want to learn self control and maybe we can help eachother out with the whole eating right bit : )
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    always looking for new friends to help me with my weight loss journey and to give support and get support from, feel free to add :)
  • TheMainShane
    TheMainShane Posts: 23 Member
    I understand your situation, it's very similar to mine.

    Add me if you'd like. :D
  • mickey9694
    mickey9694 Posts: 74 Member
    good luck with your goals!

    feel free to add
  • Hey! I'm Shahzal and I would love someone to team up with to reach all of our goals, I literally joined this site 2 minutes ago, hoping for some support. Because as much as I tell myself to watch what I am eating, I cant find a good enough reason. So maybe knowing that all of you are going through the same thing, will help keep me motivated!
  • nicolieolie328
    nicolieolie328 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I saw your post and thought to myself... I need to friend this girl! The moment I read "I am addicted to food" I felt a connection!

    Nicole :)
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    Addicted to food - oh lord - are we long lost sisters? We MUST be! I understand those struggles! Please feel free to add me - I'm always looking for friends to motivate one another! I'm Tiffany - mom of 5 in an awesome relationship and work full time! :)
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! I definitely understand what you mean by being addicted to food...I have struggled with binge eating almost my entire life. This past weekend I decided ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH and I need to change my eating habits. If you'd like, feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!

  • Goals are good. :-)
  • couponsaver79
    couponsaver79 Posts: 51 Member
    I seriously just posted looking for friends to help me stay motivated. I really badly need to lose 30 pounds in the next 90 days for a family trip. I want to show up and surprise everyone looking thin (ner than now). I've done it before so I know its possible, I just need some pals to do this along with.
  • Hey! I helped my sister lose 30 pounds as we both battled through INSANITY. I will be forming a INSANITY Challenge Group in mid-May if anyone is interested!

    Support is crucial!

    Add me or message me guys! I love to help and make new friends!
  • Hi there! Welcome and I also need accountability, too!
  • brittnyj11
    brittnyj11 Posts: 2 Member
    I could use some friends for support and accountability too! Food is always my struggle, I love it too much!
  • candysleirer
    candysleirer Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Meg,
    I'm in a similar place. This site seems pretty easy. I started an account today but also added what all I ate yesterday. Hopefully we can encourage each other and find new ideas to help meet our goals.
