
so my shins feel bruised after jogging for the first time. I was just wondering if anyone knows if they are supposed to feel that way b/c Im new at it or if I should take it easy?


  • sandytracy
    My husband always felt that way when he ran. He had shin splints.. Medical professional should tell you if that is what is going on. Maybe you just tried to do too much too fast.
  • lordofultima
    Shin Splints baby. There are ankle/shin strengthening and stretching routines, I'd recommend doing those before and after a run, but first you should lay off the running until your shins don't hurt anymore. It's happened to almost everyone who runs.
  • boniekatie
    I had that problem when I started running. Thing that helped me were better shoes, stretching before and after, and taking it slower.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    thnx everyone :) Im trying to do the couch to 5k so I appreciate the tips !
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    All the above plus try to jog on soft surfaces. The side of the road instead of the road and on soft grass. Icing the front of the shins as well can help with the pain. :drinker:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    thnx everyone :) Im trying to do the couch to 5k so I appreciate the tips !

    Ice your shins for about 20 minutes everyday until the pain goes away. If needed take some OTC medication like ibuprofen to help with the pain. It can be bad. Don't try to run the 5K without proper warm up and a slow increase in intensity, or you will end up in the couch for few days.
    Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
  • alissaanne
    This happens to me when I run as well. I spoke to a personal trainer about it and she suggested better running shoes with more absorption, ice, and stretching. I find that if I stop every 5 minutes or so to do this certain stretch before continuing on my run it helps decrease the after effects sooooo much!

    Ice idea- Take a paper cup, like McDonald's cup or something. Fill it halfway with water and freeze it. When it is solid tear away the paper until the ice is showing and you still have paper to hold onto. Rub the ice up and down on your shins for a few minutes to reduce the swelling.

    Stretch idea- I point one toe down to the floor(while standing) and press forward so I can feel the stretch in my shin, holding for a few seconds then I roll my ankle around as well. Then I switch legs and do the same thing and then continue on my run. I feel like it just keeps things loosened up during the workout.

    One thing the personal trainer also told me is that honestly my weight could be the culprit of the pain, if you are heavier than you were in the past your bones are not quite used to that much weight and pressure and running is the most high impact exercise you can do on your feet and legs, I believe.

    Hope this helps and hope you get to feeling better...I know it sucks..but it will go away..just rest for a day or just do another form of cardio for a few days and you can get right back to the running!

    Good luck with the 5k!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    If you run on gravel or sand instead of pavement or cement, you won't get shin splints at all or as often.