I'm a newbie... i'm ready to lose some pounds!

Hey guys, I'm new to Myfitnesspal and i'm very excited to get started! I've lost 11 pounds already and this site has already helped me so much!

I do have a question:
I'm not seeming to be eating enough.. i get about 500 calories a day and it's telling me that, obviously, that is not enough. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to eat to get some extra calories without the carbs?


  • Mtownsend301
    I'm a newbie too... lol.. congrats on the 11 lbs so far!
  • meg9492
    Thank you! :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Okay, I had a longer spiel, but decided to keep this simple. Carbs aren't the enemy. Too many of them is the enemy. 500 calories a day is most likely NOT a healthy place to be and may actually end up hurting you more than it might seem to be helping. Without proper nutrition, your body will eat muscle rather than fat and that's the last thing you want.

    Boost your calorie intake up to at least 1,200 a day. This can be done through whole grain breads, low-sugar/high fiber cereals, the right kinds of meats and produce. Stay away from processed foods that are generally loaded with lots of sodium. Make your food from scratch and always have healthy snack options nearby to munch on. Apples, oranges, bananas, and even craisins are awesome power foods. Eggs are another nutritional powerhouse. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Water is vital for cellular function and the more you can get of it, the better; even if it means more frequent restroom breaks.

    Along with what you're eating, you should also begin a strength training regiment. Building muscle helps burn fat and will improve the overall performance of your body. You'll feel better and be able to do more. Start simple with walking and lifting some small 5 lb weights if you have to. Push yourself so that you're working up a sweat, but not so hard that you can't breathe.

    What you eat is just one component of good health. Make sure you're working on the other areas too.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Yes darling', that is WAY too low! Aim for 1200 and more if you exercise which I STRONGLY believe is key for weightloss and health!

    If you are really worried about carbs just stay away from the processed stuff and stay away from the "whites"~ white bread, white rice, cakes and such, chips and crackers that aren't whole grain.

    Have plenty of water, fiber and protein!

    Congrats on the 11 pounds!
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome abroad and hope that you enjoy the site...
    Lots of good information on this site.