Next life chapter starting soon and it will be the best yet!

Keholde Posts: 12 Member
Hey everyone,
I was on here awhile ago but deleted my account. Now, I'm back!

I'm about to graduate with my master's degree and will be starting my first "big kid" job mid-May. The past few months have been crazy with lots of changes. My fiance and I broke up but it was the right thing to do and since that break up I have been hanging out with my friends a lot more and drinking/eating more than usual. So, a few pounds have been gained and I need to get rid of them and get back to being a bit more confident in my own body

Right now, I'm 150lbs and last fall I was 142 and i felt great!!! I then though had a calf injury and it has never fully healed. So, when I run I am no longer able to run super long distances. I was training for a 1/2 last Fall but had to cut out after I hurt my leg. It really has affected my work out. I'm the type that eats great when I have a great workout. So when my running went downhill, I was getting depressed and not working out as intensely anymore. I just love the high intense workouts and even did Insanity last year all before the calf issue. But, after starting my new job I then will get health insurance and go to the doc to find out exactly what is wrong. I did go to the doc once but he said rest and that didn't help either.

So, if you want to be motivation buddies and keep eachother on track (especially with eating) then please friend me! I am dedicated to counting calories again. I move in 2 weeks and i know that once i move I will get even more on track but it's never too early to start : )