New friends and support

Hi, I'm a going to be a mature bride end of this year and want to lose about 8/10 kilos. I love this site so far as think being accountable for what goes in my mouth will help me. Love the idea of being able to give and get idea's/support. I live in New Zealand and would love to make new friendships. My main source of exercise is walking the dogs but have been rather slack lately. Would like to do some weights to tone up but not really into the gym thing anymore so any advice for exercise at home would be great...goodluck everyone on your journey :smile:


  • happynunn
    happynunn Posts: 13 Member
    :smile: Hi Flossy (i have that nickname too ) I have just joined myself and would love to buddy up and help each other on . I'm 52 ,medically retired due to a fall ,I was a dog warden and loved it :) I have 2 grown up sons and an adorable 3 year old grandson.
    My long term goal is to looose 1.5 - 2 stone..I have already lost two stone over the last 18months but have lost my mojo a bit ,so have come here for a boost !! Hope to stay in touch :) I'm in the UK on the South Coast
    best wishes Jan
  • catfishychicky01
    Hi I'm Tia! I'm 14 years old and 5'4 220lbs (100 kg). My goal weight is 140 lbs (63.5029) I would love the support and new friends!
  • AdelaideNat
    AdelaideNat Posts: 89 Member
    I log daily on MFP, feel free to add me :)

    I also log daily on Fitbit so if you're on there & need a friend, I can be found @


  • viciousbronco
    viciousbronco Posts: 6 Member
    I am just new to Mfp (20) days and I really like the program and yes most of all to be accountable for what goes in my body ...what I like is that I am not restricted and that if I want something I can have it all in moderation ...wishes you well on your journey
  • Cyan99
    Cyan99 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! I'm from NZ too :)

    (though I live in the UK now...)
  • soccermom4
    soccermom4 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Tia! I'm 14 years old and 5'4 220lbs (100 kg). My goal weight is 140 lbs (63.5029) I would love the support and new friends!

    Hi Tia, its nice to see a wide range of ages here, and my daughter was about your age when she had some weight to lose, she did it over summer break betwen 8th and 9th grade. She did it by walking 5 miles a day (2.5 to and from her friends house instead of me taking her, and she quit eating breads and pastas).

    hang in there and send me a msg if you ever need to. I have 4 kids myself and would love to support you. We can hold each other accountable. :)