come on guys time to think possative

hi boys and girls hope ur all well this morning (uk its morning)

well after my moaning post yesterday about putting on weight and feeling low this morning i have got up with a new attitude,

yep i did loose 9lb last week far to much for one week i know its silly and i have no idea how i lost so much, well this week i have put on 4lb but at least i have not put on all 9

i may have put on a little but i am going to keep up the hard work and see what happens next week, i wouldnt feel the way i do boys and girls if it wasnt for all of ur support i am only on week 2 and keep struggling but ur all helpin me so much

thank you all
i love you all


  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Hi good morning

    Have a read at my blog. I think it probably
    explains why you are having big gains and losses :)
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    You might want to check your scale, too. :smile: It might not be working consistently, which can add to your frustration. Mine was doing this, too, and so I went out an bought a digital scale and find the readings seem to be more reasonable.

    All the best!