Finally a loss

squishyfishy Posts: 108
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I started back on my diet 1 month ago and for the 1st 3 weeks I gained 4lbs!. It was a combination of upping my exercise and TOTM but it was really getting me down. I started on here last weekend and on my 1st weigh in I have managed to lose 3lbs!!!!! I'm so chuffed that its finally going in the right direction.

I just wanted to say to people that are in the same posiion as I was to stick at it because it will happen eventually so don't lose heart.

Onwards and downwards!!


  • That's fantastic! I had a similar experience first few weeks. Feels so good when you get the pay off finally! Well done!
  • I have been up and down since joining, hence not losing any. I am considering joining the gym. but I wanted to get through 10kgs ON MY OWN. So I know I can do it.

    My ex-husband is over and actually noticed I am walking faster than I used to, even 5 years ago. So there's a positive, I am getting fitter at least!
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