psychological disorders contributing to weight?

ek0513 Posts: 147 Member
I have so many psychological and sociological issues that I think are huge contributions to why ive been overweight my whole life, and I think that my weight is also contributing to having even more psychological issues than I had to begin with, so its a vicious cycle. Im wondering if anyone has similar struggles with their psychological disorders effecting their weight.

To name some of my problems that can be connected to why I gained so much weight:
Hypochondria- In my junior year of HS I lost some weight, and I was scared I was losing weight cause I was sick, so I started eating a lot for some reason.
misoohonia- I cant stand the sound of people eating, so I wont want to eat when im around people, so when I am alone, I pig out to make up for not eating before.
Seperation anxiety, and anxiety in general. I will eat to be comforted when I get anxious.
there are other issues I have but it would take forever to go through it all.

so anyone out there who had weight gain because of psychological things they have gone through?


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Yes, but nothing I want to share. Only people I've gotten close to know what it is.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Yes. Anxiety is one reason. Started when I got married and moved 1,200 miles away from my family and all I knew. Got worse from other psych issues due to the ex - that's all i'll say about that. Can't dwell on that, I am who I am and have to move forward and get rid of all the fat that I've accumulated over the last 24 years. With that comes developing muscle & eating right.

    Looks like you're looking for support, which is AWESOME! Whatever obstacles you have, you CAN do it! I also have health issues that hinder the weight loss, but I push through anyway. I just don't care, I'm getting it DONE!!! It's a mindset.