What kind of skincare do you use?



  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Im a bit (OK, a lot) older than you (48) and I've run the gamut of skin care products over these many years. Honestly, most drug store brands are just as good as the high-priced stuff. Most dermatologists will tell you this, if they're not shilling their own line of crap. Use a mild cleanser - Cetaphil is excellent, and a good moisturizer. A previous poster was spot on about not sleeping in your make-up. Look for non-comodogenic products - they don't contain ingredients that clog your pores. Don't bother paying extra for hypoallergenic products unless you have extremely sensitive skin.

    To be perfectly frank, the two best things you can do for you skin are the two things I didn't do when I was younger and wish I had. First is, don't smoke. Ever. It ruins your skin and you can't fix it. Second, and I know it's corny, but use sunscreen on your face. Every day. No matter what. I smoked for 30 years and tanned all the time, and now my face looks like an old boot. Learn from my mistakes! Good luck!