Would love some support



  • faygerri
    faygerri Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting the 30DS and am looking for support too.

    Thanks :) What's the 30DS?
  • ksmith201026
    ksmith201026 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am new to posting and saw the starting message from a "person needing support." Really, I think we all do- need support. Losing weight can be so rewarding, but it really is a true committment. Some days I wish I could snap my fingers and be thin...a place where I am not obese or a place where I can fit clothes comfortably for my body type. But here I am- on my way to getting thinner daily! I too have spent 10 years of my life losing and gaining weight (around 20-30 pounds). I had given up because I couldn't accept failure again. But today, I am back on track. I have 70 pounds to lose. So far, I have lost 20 pounds and it's been a real journey. I spent 3,365 days overweight, making poor food choices, no exercise, uncomforable in my own skin, and wishing I could be motivated to work out or physically be able to tie my shoes, play with my daughter, or walk without my feet hurting. With support and my own dedication, I can be my goal weight in only 365 days (about a year or more approximately.) As you can see, I know what it feels like to want to reach your weight lose goals soooo bad, to be healthy and not be hindered by excuses anymore. So I am joining the discussion... I don't know if this means joining the group so help me out with that if I am not a part yet. Also, I too would love to have support - so let me know how I can join in and also encourage and get encouragement from time to time. I know I am on the right track and after reading everyone's post thus far...It is great to be a part of something so exciting- living out your dreams to become the better you that you desire to be!
  • stevefisher4274
    stevefisher4274 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, my name is Steve and I am a fattie. I weigh 430 lbs. My ideal weight if I was ten feet tall. I am 45 and have been overweight most of my adult life. My weight issues have, at least indirectly, caused me to get one knee replaced. I have lost the equivalent of a normal man (150 lbs) more than once in my life. Unfortunately every time I have done that I have not only gained that man back but also his 8 year old son. I have gone overboard in the past and have lost a lot of weight in my life by basically starving myself. I think that I am the case study for that not working.

    I have committed myself to doing this the right way. Each day my goal is to live as healthy as I can by being aware of what I am putting in my body and embracing the positive effect that exercise will play in achieving my goal. I am a happy person. Other than my weight I have many wonderful things going for me in my life. I have a fantastic wife and children and have a job that I thoroughly enjoy and provides my family with a good life. I am just sick to death of being the fattest guy in every room I walk into. I am tired of worrying if that chair is going to collapse underneath me or if I will fit into the restaurant booth when I go for that lunch meeting.

    I have been holding this stuff inside pretty much my entire life because it is embarrassing so thanks for listening. I hope each and every one of you find the success here that you are looking for.
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me hun!
  • Drezgirl
    Drezgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Add me!
  • Drezgirl
    Drezgirl Posts: 25 Member
    The 30 DS= The 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. It is an AWESOME DVD! I will start it with you, when are you starting it??
  • mjbself
    mjbself Posts: 15 Member
    Steve - You can do it!!! Small steps. No results that are worth it come easy.

    Start with small things - no more soda or sugary drinks! You would be surprised how much weight you can lose just dropping that. Substitute with water. If you hate plain water like me, add lemon, lime, or orange slices. I even add berries in the summer. Green tea is good for you as well.

    Also - get moving. I sit all day at work, so I make a habit to go the "long way" to the restroom, printer, mail room, etc. I also stand during conference calls at my desk.

    Make sure you have veggies or fruit at every meal! It doesn't have to be a salad for dinner, just add a few carrots or cucumber slices to your plate. Increase the portion of veggies over time as you decrease meat and grains.

    Now some people suffer from headaches when they drop large amounts of particular foods like sugar, caffeine, or carbs. It usually goes away in a day or two, but they can be brutal. So if you drink 5 sodas a day, you may need to ween yourself if you don't want to cold turkey it. :)

    Hope that helps - Good luck. Remember lifestyle changes, not a diet!
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm on here most days so feel free to add me.

    It's definitely easier with some friends on your side. :smile: