What do you put in your lunch box for work?



  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I'm an absolute robot when it comes to the food I pack for work. Every day I eat the same thing.

    Breakfast: Chobani 0% (Blueberry, Strawberry, or Peach)

    Lunch: Giant Mega Salad
    - 100g Romaine
    - 50g Baby Spinach
    -100g Celery
    -50g Red Onion
    -100g Cucumber
    -100g Carrots
    -100g Tomato
    -100g Roast Chicken or 1 Hard-Boiled Egg w. 2 Hard-Boiled Egg Whites
    -1.5oz Ken's Lite Creamy Caesar

    Snacks: Orange & Banana

    It's a bit on the boring side, but the routine keeps my calories low, guarantees I get my daily fruits & veggies, and makes my shopping list so easy. Plus, I never have to worry about what to pack.
  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    i usually try to pack leftovers from dinner as well. but when i don't want that (or don't have any leftovers), i usually try a sandwich or a frozen lunch.

    today i have: premade tuna packet, wheat bread, white american cheese, 12 cherry tomatoes, half an avocado and some cantaloupe.

    For breakfast (same thing everyday) i have yoplait light red velvet cake yogurt and string cheese,

    Snack (same thing everyday): handful of pretzels.
  • mrsushu
    mrsushu Posts: 13 Member
    I'm pretty basic.
    1 Cup of Brown Rice
    9-8 Oz of Meat
    Cup or Handful of Spinach
    A Banana

    Then I have nuts, beef jerky that I carry with me in my bag!
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    A fruit
    A sandwich
    A veggie and dip combo
    And a snack of my choice under 150 calories
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I try to mix up my snacks I will alternate through a couple of these each day:

    - Banana
    - Mixed Berries
    - Pineapple
    - Grapefruit (my personal favorite)
    - Pretzel Thins and Hummus
    - Rice Cakes (Apple Cinnamon, Chocolate, White Cheddar or Caramel)
    - Beef Jerky
    - Granola Bar
    - 90 Calorie Fiber One Brownie
    - Carrots, Cucumber and Bell Pepper w/ Hummus
    - String Cheese
    - Crackers and Laughing Cow Cheese wedge
    - Snap Peas and Dip
    - Popcorn

    For lunch I will take a sandwich (sandwich thin with turkey or ham, a slice of cheese and mustard) or a salad (Spring greens, chicken, feta, vinaigrette and croutons or romaine/spinach mix, chicken, olives, kidney beans, cheddar cheese and salsa) and on a rare occasion will take a Lean Cuisine or Smart One if I don't have anything else on hand.
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    There's a guy at my office that always brings a lunchbox, but then goes out to eat.

    I think he has a severed head in there or something
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    you're welcome to add me and peak at my diary, everyone is welcome to add.
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    There's a guy at my office that always brings a lunchbox, but then goes out to eat.

    I think he has a severed head in there or something

    You should steal it and eat it if it's food, take a pic and post it if it's a head...lol
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Quest - Cookies & Cream Bar, 1 bar

    Season Brand - Jb - Skinless and Boneless Sardines In Pure Olive Oil, 4 oz

    Della - Organic Brown Rice (Costco) Correct, 1/2 cup

    Lamb Fillet Raw, 153 gms (No it wasn't raw - it was grilled but wanted to add macros @ raw level)
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    My fiance is a tall skinny guy who can eat 3,000 cals a day and not gain an ounce, so I end up making him his own food. Leftovers for lunch are pretty much out of the question. He literally ate a 1600 calorie lunch yesterday. Yeah...no thanks. I usually bring two small lunches instead of a big one, keeps me occupied/full. Today I have a small turkey sandwich and a 260 cal lean quisine...butternut squash ravioli. I always pack a portion of milk for my coffee mixed with sugar free flavoring like white chocolate or vanilla. And I always pack a South Beach Diet 100 calorie smoothie, and I drink it RIGHT before I leave the office. Keeps me full and driving right past all my favorite drive thru junk food places.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Enough 'protein" for weight lifting without gaining weight(tricky I know) . LOTS of yummy fruit, yogurt, gluten free pasta or bread (celiac) and candy or a dessert.

    LOL on the strangely entertaining story about the severed head! Aren't you dying to look in there?
  • Raisins, carrot sticks, one cookie (small), salmon sandwich (or other filling), vegetable crisps, babybel and one of those weird yoghurt drinks :)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    2 breakfasts - I eat when I get to work (9am), then 2nd breakfast around 11am
    1 lunch - I cook on the weekends and pack leftovers for lunch
    1 afternoon snack - whatever I have on hand

    I always pack my food the night before to make sure I have enough food

    Today I brought:

    A Clif energy bar, a clementine & OJ

    A bagel, PB & banana (1/2)

    Pasta w/ avocado sauce & vegan "chicken" fingers

    Multigrain Cheerios, vanilla almond milk & banana (1/2)
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Pretzel Crisps
    Animal Crackers
    Baby Carrots
    Celery Sticks
    Cheese Stick
    Greek Yogurt
    Two fruits (grapes and strawberries this week)

    Almost Always
    Arnold 8 grain pita
    Sargento Ultra Thin Cheddar Cheese slice
    Iceberg lettuce
    2-3oz Deli Meat (Turkey Breast or Ham this week)

    Unless I have leftovers :smile:
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    vanilla yogurt and fruit for morning snack,
    I [finally] finished off the [tasteless] chicken hotdogs I got today (switching to turkey on spelt bread tomorrow), a cheese stick, radishes, celery and an apple for lunch,
    cottage cheese, almonds and dried cranberries for afternoon snack.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    You can keep leftovers in the fridge for a few days - maybe even a week depending on what it is.

    I take leftovers a lot.
    A few slices of turkey or chicken (deli style) and some cheese and raw veggies (this is my go to when there are no leftovers)
    a salad (sometimes I make too much for supper and then take the leftover salad for lunch - easy cause it's already cut up!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I tend to bring the same thing for work everyday, and then change up my evening meals/snacks.

    At the moment for work snacks I bring:
    String cheese
    Sugar free jelly
    Ryvita Crackerbreads

    And lunch:
    Homemade vegetable soup
    Raspberries, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, pineapple & kiwi.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    There's a guy at my office that always brings a lunchbox, but then goes out to eat.

    I think he has a severed head in there or something

  • Grammanut
    Grammanut Posts: 37 Member

    Campbell Soup on the Go - Cheesy Chicken Tortilla, 1 container 100 calories
    Back to Nature-Organic Stoneground Wheat Crackers - Stone Ground Wheat Crackers, 5 crackers 70 calories
  • dlicate
    dlicate Posts: 1
    I made lentil soup and chili...freeze them in portions. I then just have to put the frozen dish with fruits and/or yogourt with also some crackers...and green tea