Can I still have buttered popcorn at the movies??

nowic Posts: 171 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
So My family is going to the movies this weekend, and we always order popcorn w/butter. Yes I am wanting to lose weight and get healthy. If we do this once in a while is it a big deal, or do I need to stay away from it completely? I really do want to make a lifestyle change, Im still learning :smile:


  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Eating a large bag of popcorn at some Canadian movie theatres is like eating almost a quarter kilogram of potato chips, a paper suggests.

    Read more:
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    Let me start off by saying this my OPINION!!!

    If it is only every once in a while...I say have a little. If you sit there smelling it and watching everyone else eat it you will want it BAD!
    It is ALOT of calories and ALOT of fat, so don't have to much..or try eating it without the butter.
    Have fun at the movies!
  • neasy23
    neasy23 Posts: 47
    My opinion here comes in the form of the psychological effects of weight loss vs how this will effect your actual loss. Although my assumption is that if you induldge a little extra on one day you will still loose. Here is what I would do about the popcorn...

    1. Decide if there is a lower cal or lower fat substitute that will satisfy you. (popcorn from home, pretzels, no butter added.)

    2. If there is not, I would say have a bit to satisfy the urge, just don't go overboard. Eat it slowly and enjoy it!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Hmmmm.....that is a lot of fat and sodium. How often is "once and awhile?" How about compromising and ordering your own small bag without butter? This way you still have popcorn along with everyone else but you've removed some of the fat (but it will still be high in sodium). We have to be realistic in our choices and in the changes we make. If you decide to eat the popcorn with butter then try to keep your portion at a cup. This is a lifestyle change. Which changes are you willing to make that you can LIVE with? Think of it that way.

    Good luck! And enjoy the show! :)

    P.S....since you know you're going to the movies, plan what you are going to have beforehand and the try to make changes in the rest of your day to compensate. You'll have more control that way.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Agree with posts above, but if at all possible for you to do, I would skip the butter popcorn. Its loaded with sooo much fat & calories. Can u get it plain?? No butter?? or find something else ?? I know movie theatres Are not known for healthy options, as the The Doctors showed yesterday on the show about the tubs of buttered popcorn at movies :(

    My Opinion and how I would do it, I would stay away from it, cuz I know once i start I wont stop at one handful :(:(
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Usually my husband and I get a medium and split it. Do you know how many cals are in a medium and small popcorn. With and without butter. Maybe this would help me make my decision. I am def. trying to make a decision before I go. And trying to work my eating around it. Just trying to stay educated :bigsmile:
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    I say don't touch it! One piece will lead to a handful, and so on. Take a 100 calorie pack of almonds or cookies and eat them slowly and drink water and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you enjoyed the movie & your family without damaging your weight loss efforts.
  • You can always bring your own! I understand theatres don't like that sort of thing, but sometimes breaking the rules is okay in my book, as long as it's not hurting yourself or others. Anyway, Alicia Silverstone posted on her site a recipe for healthier, but tasty popcorn, and yes..she snuck her own popcorn in too lol Here it is.

    In a tall pot cover the bottom with a single layer of seeds,
    and pour in your choice of oil..I like canola..just so all the seeds are covered.
    Put burner on high, and cover.
    When it starts to pop, move pot back and forth so it doesn't burn.
    When all is popped, dump the popcorn in a brown paper bag, add salt and
    your choice of butter and shake, and you're done! Soooo good!

    I use Earth Balance for my topping. It's cholesterol and trans fat free. No hydrogenated oils, and Vegan.

    My kids love it too. Happy Munching!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    How about giving the movie theatre a call? Tell them you've been placed on a special diet and you want to know if they offer an option that's low salt. Maybe they have it but don't advertise it. Since you seem willing, definitely stay away from the butter. And since you are planning this ahead of time why not bring something else with you like the above poster stated and forgo the popcorn completely? Nuts would be a much better choice! I also like the idea of the 100 calorie snacks; there are so many of them!

    GOOD FOR YOU for planning ahead! I understand your dilemma here....I always loved butter popcorn at the movies but I just can't do it anymore. Too much sodium and fat. *sigh*
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
  • rayfromtx
    rayfromtx Posts: 111
    The sense of accomplishment from not indulging in nutrition free calories, especially junk like buttered popcorn lasts all evening. The joy of eating the popcorn is usually over before the movie is even started. I'll polish off the popcorn during the previews.
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