what does your daily food look like

while trying to loose weight and exercise?


What is your normal?


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well... mine fluctuates wildly... because I follow IIFYM.... I eat whatever I want, I just make sure to get all of my protein/carbs/and fats before I go to bed.

    For example today mine was.

    Breakfast: Coffee with cream and Splenda and a Quest bar

    Snack: Cadbury Egg (2 of them)

    Lunch: 6g of chicken breast with hot sauce
    Danon Light and Fit yogurt
    Flatout wrap
    100g spring mix salad with sugar free dressing

    Snack/post workout: 37g of Cellucor peanut-butter marshmallow whey

    Snack: Starbucks iced coffee with Splenda and a Starbucks marshmallow dream bar

    Dinner: 8g chicken with veggies
    8g sweet potato fries with cinnamon (homemade)

    Snack: 2-3 servings of Edy's Slow Churned chocolate ice cream with some peanut butter
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    mine changes a lot too..

    I don't time my eating or eat snacks at set times.

    I aim to hit my protien macro first (or go over it), look at my fats and then watch my calories.

    today I had steak and eggs with potatoes with coffee and milk for breakfast
    lunch was a prepackage meal with a yogurt and another yogurt about 3-4pm (before my workout) and pork chops with veggies for dinner..

    Chocolate eggs whenever I want through the day and I have 76 calories left...

    tomorrow will be an egg, bacon and cheese sandwich with coffee (always with sugar and cream)
    Lunch will be pork chops with veggies
    Supper will be chicken and veggies
    Yogurt and chocolate throughout the day...and tomorrow I have 115 calories to play with.

    now the days I have cereal and toast...my protien is harder to get in but I love my fruit loops...esp with warm toast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    On work days (most week days)

    Breakfast: cup of soy milk
    Lunch: usually a small portion of leftovers or a sandwich wrap
    Dinner: Biggest meal of the day. Contents vary but always included vegetables and protein. Often quinoa or brown rice.
    Dessert: Usually a handful of cocoa roast almonds

    About 25% of the time I will have a snack before lunch - usually a low sodium V8

    There is no schedule on days I don't work.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    Snack: 2-3 servings of Edy's Slow Churned chocolate ice cream with some peanut butter


    As long as you are getting your macros (and your micros), iifym is a great way to live. Personally i enjoy having mint chocolate chip ice cream.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    My diary is open. but didn't track over the weekend.

    and to poster #2.. 6g and 8g of chicken?? does g mean something other then grams or did you mean ounces???? i put 142g (about 5 ounces)of chicken in my scrambled eggs for lunch and it was hardly any.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I do the IIFYM too. I just try to get a decent amount of protein.

    Breakfast: Greek yogurt mixed with Fiber One & almonds gives me protein, fat & fiber

    Lunch: Sandwich (or soup) entrée with veggies (salad or otherwise) and a piece of fruit. A large salad with grilled chicken, craisins, and almonds is another option

    Snack: Fruit and/or cheese stick, Chai with milk & sugar. Sometimes it's veggies if I don't have the calories

    Dinner: Lean meat, starch or some kind (potato, rice, whatever) veggies

    Snack: popcorn, or maybe ice cream
  • Breakfast-Large banana & water with crystal light peach mango energy flavor (9:30am) (95 Cals.)
    Snack- Peanut butter and crackers (10:45) (180 Cals)
    Lunch-Two slice of ham & side of mash potatos (Easter Leftovers) and more water/mango flavor (Around 375 Cals)
    Snack-1 or 2 chocolate rice cakes (3pm) (60-120 Cals.)
    Dinner-Ham & Mash potato leftover again (6:30pm) (Around 450 Cals.) Iced Tea (100 Cals)
    Snack-No sugar added fudgicle (40 Cals.)

    This my day today
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Mine varies a lot, today will probably be something like this

    Meal 1: 2 cans of tuna fish, with tomato, spinach, mayo with a few pieces of bacon

    Meal 2: Leftover ham from yesterday probably just do sandwiches

    Dessert: Reese's peanut butter egg & cherry cheesecake or ice cream haven't decided
  • kimberlily823
    kimberlily823 Posts: 6 Member
    My food tends to be pretty consistent each day, but varies each week. I do a lot of food prep (salads, veggie snacks, juicing) on sundays for my week so it's easier to generally make the same thing. Luckily I don't get sick of what I make. I started juicing a couple weeks ago because I am just not a fruit person. I'm a vegetarian and have no problem with veggies, but fruit is a different story regardless of the fact that I do like it.

    I vary protein shakes with protein bars once in a while and I'm trying to keep my protein around 70g/day which is quite difficult without eating meat and minimal animal products (eggs, milk, etc). Deciding to turn to a vegetarian diet and cutting out most animal products really helped me find healthier choices that I enjoyed. I don't even feel like I eat healthy at this point because it's just normal. When I do go out to eat and "cheat" (even though I don't consider this a diet, but instead a lifestyle change) I usually feel like crap after.

    Chocolate Whey Protein Shake (150cal)
    8oz fresh juice: beet, carrot, lemon, kale and apple (90cal)

    Wheat pita with hummus (160cal)

    Salad: feta dill dressing, tomatoes, chickpeas, bell peppers, green onion, romaine (275cal)
    Banana (75 cal)
    Chocolate Whey Protein Shake (150cal)

    16oz fresh juice: watermelon, strawberry, apple, lemon (180cal)
    Iced coffee no cream/no sugar (10cal)

    Veggie patty (90cal)
    Wheat pita (80cal)
    Raw red peppers, tomatoes and broccoli with hummus (160cal)

    about 1330cal
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    My diary looks like i frequently don't eat much (many sub-800 days in the past year). It's open but not like any other diaries I've seen. I had weight loss surgery a year ago and I currently do intermittent fasting so that's why it looks like that. But even on "normal" days, I eat a lot of heavy foods. Also, I'm a simple eater. Most other diaries I see have a lot more variety!
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    My foods vary, but my eating habits are pretty uniform. During the week, I'll eat a small/medium breakfast. Typically at or below 300 calories. But I'll snack quite a bit before lunch (typically veggies or frozen berries or something). Then I have lunch, which is usually a sandwich or leftovers from dinner the night before. Then maybe an afternoon snack, then dinner, which is almost always unpredictable.

    On weekends I just kind of eat whenever.

    I try to stay low-calorie or eat things with protein or fiber to keep me fuller longer. Low fat cottage cheese is a current at-home go-to.