have you ever heard of it ?

Hi every one how are you ?
Today i am here with a diet that is quiet diffrent because you get to eat whatever you like in my cointry it is called LUQUEIMAT DIET.
You might know it as portion control
Basically i have to eat 5 half cup size meals with 3 hours apart from one another and a happy meal
The happy meal consists 1 cup and half liquids which might be salad , water,juice or a combination of the three but never go furtherthan 1 cup and a half.
Second component of the happy meal is 1 and a half cup of the food and it should be like next half cup of protein 5 spoons of carbs like rice and the rest you decide i said you can eat whatever you want.
And before i forget you can take 2 spoons of your favorite desert like chocolate or cake or whatever.
I did that for one month and i lost about 6 pounds with no exercice.
You can lose more if incorporate it with a sport programme like the 30 day shred i am gonna combine it with t25 for shaun T
I started again 2 days ago if you wanna join me i would appreciate it .
By the way the 5 mini meals can be anything.
Wish you happy great fit day.