Following calorie guidelines, exercising, no loss



  • ddh1
    ddh1 Posts: 8
    Thank you all for your input and encouragement. I have checked in with a good nutririonist, brought her the daily MFP sheets, and she is puzzled. Checked in with the Dr. and he's going to run some blood work. Have had some family stress, so we're checking cortisol, thyroid, etc.

    My food choices are very good - variety, good carbs, fiber, veggies, fruit. My "big treat" is a strip of candy buttons (all sugar, 30 cals) here and there. Other than that, there really isn't much processed stuff in my food intake. That's more recent...since last Spring. I have not been eating meat or chicken, so I do need to keep an eye on protein levels (one of the many reasons I LOVE MFP - can look at sugars, protein, fat, carbs - it's great). I do eat fish and eggs (more whites).

    I do mix up my exercise, and have added some interval stuff in the last couple of weeks hoping for a metab boost.

    Need to make sure I'm drinking enough water, monitor my protein levels, watch out for the night sitting (even with all my exercise, it seems, with a mostly sitting job and night sitting, I may actually fall under sedentary??), be patient, and stick with it.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Did you know your body doesn't start burning fat until 30 minutes into your exercise? Don't count your warmup as part of your exercise if that's what you are doing.

    This is not true, as long as you're at a calorie deficient you'll burn fat. Doesn't matter if you workout for 10 minutes to achieve that deficient or do no exercise at all.

    I would suggest giving it a few more weeks or maybe eat a little more. If you still don't have any results after another month, maybe you should go see a doctor.

    I'm glad that my dad doesn't know it all about exercise. lol I thought I'd try what I said out just to make sure what he said was right or wrong. Thank you!
  • determined99

    very well written.........its so true!
  • ddh1
    ddh1 Posts: 8

    very well written.........its so true!
  • ddh1
    ddh1 Posts: 8

    very well written.........its so true!

    Thank you for sharing this. The frustration comes from not experiencing anything close to:

    "Phase 1. The start of a brand new day! (or week, or month, or year)
    Expectations are sky high, usually so is motivation and intentions. This is where most people lose the most weight. At the start it's not uncommon to see 4 to 8 lb losses per week. The reasons for this are mostly (sorry to disappoint) water weight. You drop excess water quickly, and you can have up to 5 lbs of water weight. The next biggest reason is the fat that is right next to the blood vessels, the stuff that you put on in the last month or three, it will melt like butter usually."

  • ddh1
    ddh1 Posts: 8
    MY RMR is 1,100 calories. This is for a small frame 5'2". How tall are you? What is your bone structure?


    5'3", small frame for me. The 1200 calories falls in line with WW guidelines, so I do believe it's accurate. I do not believe that the 1200 cal base takes exercise into account.

    I also am aware of the "sometimes you are not eating enough" theory, so your body is holding on to what it has for "protection."
