I'm losing my mind!!



  • emmasmommy1
    Im seriously thinking about it, thank you for the tips!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    OP says, "And to top it all off, for the last week my shins, ankles, and feet have been swelling. Like pitting edema. I have never ever had this happen before. Any idea what I am doing wrong??"

    No. I do not have any idea what's wrong. I can tell you SOMETHING is wrong even tho I'm only a CNA (nurse's aide)!!!

    You need to go back in for another physical! If you have pitting edema (extreme water retention) of course you're not losing weight! It sounds to my untrained, but experienced ear that something has gone wrong that requires an MD. Nurses are the worst about getting checked! GO IN!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Was this meant to be rude? Because I surely was not rude when I asked. I actually use a written journal, per my trainers request.

    No. Just a little abrupt. You are seriously in a bad way and need to get turned around and on a sustainable diet ASAP
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OP says, "And to top it all off, for the last week my shins, ankles, and feet have been swelling. Like pitting edema. I have never ever had this happen before. Any idea what I am doing wrong??"

    No. I do not have any idea what's wrong. I can tell you SOMETHING is wrong even tho I'm only a CNA (nurse's aide)!!!

    You need to go back in for another physical! If you have pitting edema (extreme water retention) of course you're not losing weight! It sounds to my untrained, but experienced ear that something has gone wrong that requires an MD. Nurses are the worst about getting checked! GO IN!

  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Please do not take this the wrong way.....but you are a nurse... Sit down and figure out what you feed you patients daily when they are lying in bed doing nothing. I will guarantee you that it's well over 1000 calories,and they are doing nothing. Do some research on BMR and tdee. Someone may copy and paste some good links I don't have them at my fingertips right now, but you must eat to fuel your body otherwise it holds on to anything you feed it, be use it thinks you are starving yourself.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    The trainer is using the same scale, and weighing and measuring me each week. It shows that I did gain 5 lbs of muscle. Maybe I am just uneducated on muscle gain I guess.
    how would you gain 5 lb of muscle eating so little? You need to eat a lot to gain muscle. And women don't gain it that quickly. I think you said you were a nurse, so you know scientifically you can't gain muscle if you do to have anything to build it with. I don't believe you are eating that little (you would be losing), I believe you are maybe underestimating your calories.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    See a doctor. That swelling sounds like a serious concern.

    And set your expectations lower in terms of weight loss per week. 1 lb per week, not per day, is realistic and sustainable.
  • emmasmommy1
    I am giggling at myself because yes, us nurses are the worst! BUT I havwe had a lot of shin pain lately, and I know shin splints cause edema. They will go down, then after I excersize, I get swollen again. I did make an apt for tomorrow!
  • emmasmommy1
    I drink a 100 cal whey protein shake, eat 3 oz. boneless skinless chicken, 2 cups green veggies, and then I repeat that meal again, 1 apple. That's my boring meal day lol
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Ok, based on what your profile says, you have 140lbs to lose, that has you probably weighing close to 300 depending on your height, correct? Based on that and the exercise you are doing you need to eat WAY more. I started at 270 needing to lose 120lbs, have lost a good chunk of it and i still eat 1800 a day. Please either use mfp the way it is designed, or even better do some research into TDEE. Lots of info out there!
    Good luck on your journey!! :drinker:
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Ok, I have been doing crossfit type training for the last 5 weeks, going on 6, at least 3 days a week and I have hardly lost ANY weight. I am at about 5 lbs lost, and 5 lbs of muscle gained. I am a pretty heavy gal too lol. I am getting frustrated to the point of quitting. My trainer told me because of my size, I would lose 30 lbs the first month. Yep, month has came and gone and here I am, hungry and mad! I am honestly eating very clean. Very little fat, pretty much no carbs as well. As a nurse, I had all my labs done prior to diet. Thyroid was fine. I have never had any major health issues, etc. I don't know what I could be doing wrong! And to top it all off, for the last week my shins, ankles, and feet have been swelling. Like pitting edema. I have never ever had this happen before. Any idea what I am doing wrong?? thank you in advance for what I hope are kind, and helpful responses lol

    Measure yourself, that's all I can tell you...I've lost like maybe 10 lbs since October but I've lost 4 inches off my waist!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I started at 215 lbs and was eating 1850 + exercise and losing tons. You can do this AND save money AND eat decent food.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    You definitely need to eat more - I started about 6 weeks ago with 150ish pounds to lose and my calories are set to 1440 plus exercise calories. I would not be happy eating 1000 calories and exercising! It would affect my ability to function well....

    Please please please ditch the trainer. If his plan was 800 calories and you upped it to 1000, he's an idiot. Sorry to say...
    MSLUC Posts: 30
    Connect with a nutritionist. Put all the B.S. aside.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    You're getting ripped off, plain and simple. 30 pounds in a month should have sounded too good to be true, and it most definitely is. Also, it's extremely difficult to build muscle when you're eating at a calorie deficit, especially as big of a deficit as you're eating at. Muscles become more defined as we lose the fat that was covering them, but there's no way you put on 5 pounds of muscle. Maybe the scale showed your body fat percentage went down, but that doesn't mean you built muscle.

    Trainers are rarely qualified to give nutrition advice, unless they can document that they've taken nutritionist certification courses or studied nutrition in college. Eating 800-1000 calories a day and exercising on top of that could create long-term health problems for you. See a doctor to find out what's going on with the swelling and also to make sure that your VLCD (very low calorie diet) hasn't affected your health. After that, I'd complain to your trainer's supervisor. His or her practices sound dangerous.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Wait..... did the TRAINER put you on 800 calories a day? Nobody but a doctor should be putting anyone on a Very Low Calorie Diet. I would report him/her to the gym as advocating unhealthy weight loss.
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    If you have 140 to lose, you are at least in the 200-300 lb range. 1000 calories is maintenance for someone in the 115-130 range, not counting workouts. If you are starving yourself, and not eating when you should, that is telling your body to hold on to what it has, because it will have to make it last. The body's ONE job is to work in the most efficient way possible, and it is ALWAYS trying to do so.

    I am 220 lbs, and I eat about 2k-3k calories per day, contingent on workout level. I am losing weight because my TDEE is about 2500-3500 calories. For a woman that is as big as me, she should probably eat about 2/3 of that, or 1400-2000 calories to lose weight. Of course, this doesnt apply to the bodybuilder types lol.

    Gauge where you should be based on that, and start eating (healthy, or there-thereabouts) when your stomach grumbles, but don't over-eat (eating til your stomach hurts). Any one here will tell you...that speeds up your metabolism, and aids your body in using those nutrients in a healthy way. After a few weeks, you will see results, even if you don't work out.

    You can do it. Just do the research. Use websites that have credibility. Many university sites have great information on nutrition. NONE of them tell you to eat less than 1000 calories. Guaranteed.

    As an echo...I would fire your cross-fit trainer. He is definitely under-educated.

  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I drink a 100 cal whey protein shake, eat 3 oz. boneless skinless chicken, 2 cups green veggies, and then I repeat that meal again, 1 apple. That's my boring meal day lol
    doesnt sound like a sustainable long term plan to me. Find a normal eating plan you can do forever. Thus is shirt term and you will fail
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I am giggling at myself because yes, us nurses are the worst! BUT I havwe had a lot of shin pain lately, and I know shin splints cause edema. They will go down, then after I excersize, I get swollen again. I did make an apt for tomorrow!
    ive never heard shin splints cause edema (I'm a nurse too)