I broke my foot, and I need advice.

I wasn't put in a cast since my bone is still aligned, but I have a boot and I need to be careful with my foot. Walking around with crutches burns a decent amount of calories, but I don't live in an area that's conducive to crossing the street on crutches. I occasionally do dips and overhead triceps extensions, along with crunches and pushups (on my knees, to protect my foot)... Does anyone have any ideas or know of any good workout videos for other exercises I can do with a broken foot?


  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Shadow boxing! Punch punch PUNCH
  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    I broke my ankle and it absolutely sucked. I found after the first week I could swim, so if you have access to a pool that may be an option. Most weight loss comes from diet, so even if you have to take it easy for a few weeks, you can use it as an opportunity to really focus on what you eat and how you eat.

    Hope you have a very speedy recovery!