Hello from the Newbie...

Hello folks...trying something new to keep me going and motivated in my weight loss journey. My husband actually found this on the internet and I've used it only on my phone to log stuff in really, but I'm hoping to expand my circle of fitness friends....
Please feel free to touch base with me...
I'm looking for some friendly support fitness partners who will help me to stay motivated in order to complete my journey. I'm hoping to lose 80 pounds by next summer...as a short term goal I would like to loose at least 15 of those 80 by mid January.
I realize this is a major feat and an even bigger challenge with the holidays just around the corner, but I believe in taking the bull by the horns...or in this case the candy bowl by the rim.... :)
Looking forward to meet ya'll....:flowerforyou:


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome and congratulations for putting yourself on the list! You deserve it...it is your time! Let's do it!:heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i just joined but i def need all the motivation i can get!! feel free to invite me as a friend and we can help each other out :)
  • whetzel3141
    Welcome to MFP. I found this about 10 days ago and I am trying to lose 85 lbs by next summer as well. I LOVE this website. I think it is fantastic. It has kept me motivated to eat less and exercise more. You can get so much support here. Welcome!

    I would love to be your friend and we can help to motivate each other. Good luck on your new journey!