20 ways to stick to your workout


I came across this article and thought it had some really great suggestions on how to keep motivated with your work outs.

Here are the 20 ways but the article was too long to post the whole thing so read it for the why they will keep you motivated.

1. Sign up for a distant race
2. Make a 'friendly' bet
3. Tie exercise to your health
4. Switch your training partners
5. Compete
6. Think about fat
7. Do a daily gut check
8. Join a fitness message board <
We all have this one!
9. Strike an agreement with your wife and kids
10. Burn a workout CD
11. Plan your workouts in advance
12. Squat first
13. Schedule a body-composition test every 2 months
14. Don't do what you hate
15. Go through the motions
16. Start a streak
17. Make your goals attractive
18. See your body through her eyes
19. Buy a year's worth of protein
20. Blackmail yourself