Back Again...

Hey everyone,

I joined two years ago, but drifted away from fitnesspal...however, the things I realized about myself while here stuck with me in my weight loss journey. I lost 65 lbs, but I got complacent...that, and the stress of finishing grad school along with the unhealthy eating habits of a musician put me right back where I started! I'm 300 lbs AGAIN and I've got to get this weight off and KEEP IT OFF. I can't say that I'm ready for the lifestyle change because I love food and not having to be inhibited by thinking about what to eat and what not to eat...It's going to be tough, but I've got to do it. When all things aren't going well, my weight is just one more thing that I feel down about. It's ridiculous.

I've wanted to try weight loss pills, have researched them, have been in the store, approaching the counter, but never "pull the trigger" so to speak...something in me will not allow myself to take the easy way out. I lost 65 lbs in 7 months and established good eating habits, was playing a lot of basketball, living very healthy. i did it once I can do it again...but I think this positive attitude has hurt me also, because I've felt that if I could do it once, I can do it anytime I want, so I would just eat anything and say "I'll start next week." But as I just told you, I'm at 300 lbs again....

My girlfriend and I have been suffering from the same BS. We start off well then fall off the horse again. We both get really discouraged by this. However, we've decided to put our feet down and not stand for it anymore...

I'm back. I'm here to put in work. Drop me a line guys. Good luck to you all!



  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Big Dawg,

    You CAN do this - there will be good days and bad days. The trick is not to make the bad days last too long.
    I've been here over 3 years now and I have realized this past year that I need to be a logger for life.
    It sucks but that's my reality.

    Good luck and all the best! :flowerforyou:
  • Katy213
    Katy213 Posts: 45
    Good luck to you, hope you are able to stick with it. You already know the amount of support and help you can get on this site and I hope that it helps you along :smile:
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    seems like you know what to do. welcome back by the way. look at the food this way you love it, but does it love you? what's more important your health, or the food you love? we can enjoy food just in moderation. stay strong, take it a day at a time. i'm guilty of that I did it once, i can do it again attitude also, but I also agree with Mireille, I realized that I have to be a lifetime tracker of my eating, and activity habits, it holds me accountable. I wish you & your girlfriend all the best on this journey. feel free to friend me for support
  • Thanks for the support guys! I appreciate it!