home exercises

hey everyone dont have money for the gym and no confidence to go jogging not yet, but i was wondering if their is anything i can do round the house which can make a good impact, im currently about to also win a cross trainer on ebay so that will help.


  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    The cross Trainer will really help. You could also look to buy some DVDs I've got some Davina, Rosemary Conley, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and Turbo Jam by Charlene Johnson. I mix them up to give me a varied work out. I'm sure you'll get lots of other ideas - this site is really good for advice. Good luck.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Jillian is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! But a good workout. I bought my dvd from amazon recently and it wasn't expensive. I bought a Davina one too.
    Get yourself walking too! It's free and easy then you might want to ease your way onto the couch to 5k running programme (I tried last year but then the snow and ice came and I gave up).
    There is a download available for an mp3, which talks you through the whole programme
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Walk, walk, walk, walk.. Take a look at the couck to 5 K, It really does start out with mostly walking, at first you only jog for 30 sec at a time. My jog is barely faster than my walk.:wink:

    Jillian M. workouts are very good. Her 30 day Shred dvd has a huge following on mfp (I paid $12.99 for the DVD with 3 workouts on it.)

    Also you can find different exercises at shape.com (I will double check the web site and linke it here.)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member

    hope this helps, the website was a little slow but it has some good ideas
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    Absolutely! I was too embarass to go out for a run too, so I work out at home. I got from a size 10 to a size 4 at the time dancing to Destiny Child cd LOL. I had arobic class in high school so I did alittle bit of that, a little kick boxing, running still etc. I used a full size mirror to keep focus and two- 5 lbs drumbells for weight train. That's it!! You can subtitute weights with bottle waters if you cann't afford to buy drumbell and use your window reflection instead of a mirror (only works at night).

    During warm up, I play a slow song. I always play Independent women and Survivor to keep me going lol. sing with me...

    I'm a survivor (what),
    I'm not gonna give up (what),
    I'm not gon' stop (what),
    I'm gonna work harder (what),
    I'm a survivor (what),
    I'm gonna make it (what),
    I will survive (what),
    Keep on survivin' (what)..

    Yes, I know I am a dork :bigsmile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    resistance bands, fit ball and some hand weights will get you started. Then jump on youtube and search for those exercises as there are HEAPS you can do with them :)
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Great thanks everyone