New yet not new...desperate need of friends and motivation



    I'm fairly new to MFP. My husband heard about it and started...he kept encouraging me so I thought - well, I will just set up an account and when I'm ready I will try. Well, of course when I set it up I just started because I found it so easy.

    I have tried to lose weight so many different ways. I have exercised and denied myself many times only to fail. I always forgot the basic truth that calories are king in the weight loss game. Once I quit focusing on raising my metabolism (which isnt a bad focus, but is all I was doing) and focused on the calories with this app, the weight started coming off. Of course as I started losing it has just propelled me. I'm so excited. Just knowing if I simply keep logging my calories and being mindful about the foods I'm eating I can reach my goal...that's a great feeling.

    I'm just going to take things in bits. I have another roughly 40 pounds to lose, but I am using each 10 as little triumphs instead of looking a the pounds as a whole. I work better that way.

    ***Feel free to add me!! I love it when we can support one another. :)

    This is my first post to the community here at MFP and I'm glad to be here. I wish all of us success!! :)