
FuerImmerStark Posts: 144
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
is anyone doing it or tried it? mainly the "no-carb" thing.
if so, do you like? is it really working for you?
what types of food do/can you eat?


  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Atkin's if done correctly will work. But, and this is a big but, you have to tone up or when you start moving to the 2nd and 3 rd phases you will put the weight back on. You should not stay in phase 1 for more than a month or your body will eat itself.
    It is a good diet if you are addicted to WHITE FOODS or borderline diabetic, because it makes you think about what you are putting in your mouth.

    Stick to fresh veggies,low fat meat, like chicken breast, no bacon, hot dogs hamburgers ect. And when you move to the 2nd and 3rd phases you can use the cheaper protein bars instead of the Atkin's ones.

    Overall it is a good program if you really follow it. Don't modify it so you can eat fatty foods or to not exercise because you will regret it and so will your gall bladder.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    My mom used it when I was younger and lost. However, one of her friends used it and actually gained...they eventually determined something about it being because of her blood type. Sorry, I don't really know much more since personally, I've never tried it but I'm also diabetic so it's just generally a bad idea for me.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I haven't followed the Atkin's diet but I have almost all carbs out of my diet once and I did well. I lost 30 pounds but I gained it all back when I decided I missed my spaghetti, bread and any thing else I really enjoyed. I even gained back a little extra. My brother in law also tried it and he is bigger than he was when he first started. It may work for you but I feel that the diet isn't safe and I felt deprived.
  • Alright, thank you for the advice everyone. My boyfriend is doing the Atkin's, and he is losing, but I am worried for him that he will cave and gain it all back. He's losing waaay too fast!
  • Atkins works but very difficult to maintain if you are on a budget. I would only recommend it to people that can't survive on low cal meals. Many diets out their but the boyfriend must find what works for him. The no need for portion control is why it never worked for me.
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