3 pound gain in 4 days :(

cem789 Posts: 231 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
i weigh myself daily... and i know you shouldnt because of water fluctuations etc, but i do!

every day i either weigh the same as i did the day before, a little bit less or sometimes a tiny bit more. Since wednesday i have gained 3 pounds, every day i have been about 0.7 to 1.5 pounds heavier! my diet hasnt been fantastic since then but i have still only been consuming 1200 - 1600 calories a day. This weight gain is out of the ordinary for me, can anyone explain?

If this is water retention - would anyone know what has caused it? does this ever happen to anyone else? I am sad as i am back to the weight i was this time 2 weeks ago! and my diet counter says i have lost 6 pounds and last week it was at 9 pounds! my weight loss plan is not working!!!!



  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I am not sure what would have caused it but if you open your food diary to "public" we might be able to see if its food related.

    Sodium causes water weight retention so tracking this may help. I too gained 3 lbs this week and I know how soul destroying it is. We just have to trust it WILL come off if we work hard and be "good" :)
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I too gained about 3 lbs in 3 days. I was indulging my chocolate craving a bit during those times, as well I was not getting hardly any sleep, less than half of a good night's sleep. So I am sure both of those things contributed to a weight gain. Additionally, some of it may have been water cause my sodium content was high as well.

    I am still climbing back down. But I am almost there!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    How your sodium been? If it's been higher than usual that could be the problem. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Have you been exercising? A change in intensity can cause water rentention as well. I know I gain 3-5 lbs in that same amount of time when TOM is approaching, could that be the case? I'm sure it's water weight, that's a lot of weigh to gain in a few days. Drink some extra water and get some exercise in (even short walks) and that will help your body flush it out. I know it's frustrating - you just have to hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • is it pre-menstrual because that happens to many people at that time.......

    don't let it put you down, tomorrow is another day and you have to stay positive :smile:
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    ive made my food diary public..... ( and i had takeaway chinese food last night :) ... but thats the only major bad thing i think?! i dont know - you may all think my food diary is awful! have a look :)

    sodium, parhaps, maybe il cut out table salt all together this week

    thanks guys

    .... and my monthly visit isnt due...
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    ive made my food diary public..... ( and i had takeaway chinese food last night :) ... but thats the only major bad thing i think?! i dont know - you may all think my food diary is awful! have a look :)

    sodium, parhaps, maybe il cut out table salt all together this week

    thanks guys

    .... and my monthly visit isnt due...
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    NEVER weigh after eating Chinese!
  • angelsxzist
    angelsxzist Posts: 41 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary but I know chinese food has A LOT of salt. I retain water and if I eat chinese food, especially at night, I am doubly swollen in the morning.
  • I'll bet the Chinese food is the culprit. Chinese food is extremely high in sodium, which will make you bloated, and will also affect the scale if you're weighing yourself every day. Are you tracking your sodium in your food settings? It might be worth it to really pay attention to that for a while. Try to stay below 2,500 mg per day (or even 2,000). Oftentimes, I won't weigh myself for a good two or three days after eating restaurant food, because I know the number that shows up won't be the "real" number, and I know that will mess with my head.

    Just remember this: you did not gain 3 lbs of fat in a day or two. You would have needed to consume 10,500 extra calories in one day to accomplish that! It is something else, and it's probably the sodium.

    It might be worth it to try a few other things so that you don't get so wound up about your daily weight. Here are some ideas:
    1. Don't weigh every day. It messes with you. If you weigh yourself every week (or even every other week), your weight readings will be much more accurate, and you won't be concerned about the day-to-day fluctuations that everyone experiences.
    2. Make sure you are keeping track of your measurements. Oftentimes, I will show a loss in inches before I ever show a loss on the scale. And, really...getting smaller is what you want, right? If I was a comfortable size 6, but still weighed 145 lbs at 5'2", I wouldn't really care about my weight. Because weight does not equal fat.
    3. Start thinking about some goals that are not weight-related, that you can focus on. For instance, are you exercising? Do you want to increase your strength, endurance, etc.? Pick something tangible that you can work towards and be proud of, regardless of the number on the scale. It really helps to shift the focus, since for me, this journey is not just about reaching a number on the scale, it's about changing my life in ways that will be sustainable, and that will make me healthier and happier for years to come.

    Good luck! Remember, these are just suggestions--no one thing works for everyone. But these are some things that have helped me to overcome plateaus, etc. over the past few months.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Stop obsessing.
    Weigh your self once a week.
    Be honest with your food, portion size, water intake, and exercise and you'll lose weight.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    thanks, monday is my weekly weigh in, measurement day. so this is the weight i focus on weekly, and try and lose a pound a week! some great advice here.. thanks all
  • :grumble:
    Oh geez I have eaten Chinese inspired meals over the past few days. I need to watch my sodium as well. I season everything I eat.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    i have learned my lesson! i weighed myself this morning... lost everything i put on and was the lightest ive been in the diet :)! not weighing myself every day anymore :)
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