Back in the saddle after Rhabdo

Hi all, I'm back on the right path after being pretty ill since the end of February suffering with Rhabdo which left me hospitalised for a week right up to my wedding day - I got married carrying around a stone and a half of excess water and barely fit in to my dress. I can't bare to weigh myself right now as no exercise for almost eight weeks, and I've been eating pretty badly too through a wee bit of depression (I think!)

I'm going to go back to what I know works nutrition wise, and slowly build up the gym again. Any help appreciated xxx


  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Congratulations on your wedding! I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I was just released from the hospital on Sunday for Rhabdo. I'm up 11 pounds from the crazy amounts of fluids they pumped into me. Were you told no exercise for 8 weeks?