C4 vs Mr. Hyde?

I tried C4, and enjoyed the boost, but I'm wondering if Mr. Hyde is actually better, or is it all just brand loyalist?


  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
  • jon830
    jon830 Posts: 20 Member
    First, how is the energy level for you when using C4? I ask because the main difference between C4 and Mr Hyde is the caffeine amount. Hyde contains 3 times more caffeine per saving than C4 offers. If you feel like that much caffeine would give you jitters, then stick with C4 and look into a vasodilator to stack with it. Personally, I think Cellucor products are overpriced.
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    I had 2 scoops of C4 when I tried it, and it felt pretty good energy wise. If the only major difference is caffiene I'll just be getting what's cheaper per serving.