water weight gain from intence workout?

just curious, i did alot of lunges with heavy weights, and ive been jello for two days, i wont be so crazy next time, but i just weighed myself one day later and i gained 5 lbs... is that normal? do you retain water from weight lifting?
thank you!


  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    Yes, your muscles retain the water to heal after such a strenuous work out. Don't worry about it, just keep doing what you are doing and the water will come off. It is good that you are taking a few days off because the muscle needs time to recover! Hope this helps.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yes. Actually, your muscles try to store more glycogen to prepare for the next time you do that, so you will keep extra water with the glycogen. That usually goes away in 2-3 days. If you keep training, though, you will maintain that elevated glycogen storage in the muscles so you can do more intense exercise. (Trained people can actually maintain twice the muscle glycogen as untrained people.) This is part of the reason that some people see little or no change in the scale but are actually getting smaller because they are burning fat at the same time that they are storing more glycogen. So, don't get discouraged by it. Just keep training, eating right, drinking plenty of water, and take your measurements instead of focusing on the scale. ;)
  • skinnyminnie23
    wow thanks everyone, youre all very knowledgeable :) good luck with all you do!