should I try to run/jog being so over weight??

nowic Posts: 171 Member
So I am wondering if I should try to attempt to run/jog even though I am 130lbs overweight? I have had a knee problem in the past, mostly due to my weight. So I dont know if I should just keep at a walk or try to kick it up to a jog- any thoughts???


  • annasid78
    I think if you give it a try and listen to your body, it should be fine.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    No. You will put too much stress on your joints and bones in your legs. Start out by walking and increasing how fast and how far. I would say after you lose just a bit of weight, start to do some jog and walk intervals. I hope this helps.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I would talk to your doctor about that, but one thing you have to consider is the possibility of stress fractures. You might want to start out walking, riding a bike and some other low or no-impact exercises and work your way up to jogging.

    Swimming is a GREAT exercise -- burns as many calories as a brisk walk, works every muscle in the body and is great for the joints.
  • Dammitviv
    Dammitviv Posts: 117
    If you have had damage to your knee, it may be best to consult your doctor to make that decision. That being said, if you are walking for exercise and feel it is not challenging enough, you may try jogging and walking in intervals as a way to work up to jogging or even running. Just pay special attention to the way your knees feel (during and after the workout) and back it off if it causes pain, you don't want to create a set-back for yourself.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I agree you will need to be careful of stress fractures. I would suggest walking first - which will condition your body to start jogging later on. Walking can give you quite a workout, and burn a ton of calories. Start slow, add intervals, and slowly increase your intensity.

    Once you've done that for a little while, then you can start a walk-jog program. This way, you won't get shin splints or stress fractures (they are so very common!) and you will be conditioning your body to any activity you're interested in.

  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Talk to your GP BUT I have to say I used to have knee problems due to being overweight and made no end of excuses that I couldn't run because of it - now I run anything up to 5 days a week and am losing weight like never before - and my knee feels fine xxx
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Try it and listen to what your body says to you. From my own experience, I started with trying to do the C25K but realized I couldn't quite make the running part. I'm walking right now and will try running again when I lose 50lbs or so.
    Good luck
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    thank you all for your advice- I will try it :smile:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Just start off slow chick - do one minute intervals and work your way up - don't sprint just jog it and in no time you'll be on your way :) xxx
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    right now I could prob only jog for one min at a time :wink: So if I try it will def be slowly :smile:
  • freedivr
    You might like rowing :) It's very easy on the hips, knees and ankles, yet the calorie burn rate is substantial. As with all exercise, it's best to start slow, listen to your body, and increase your time and intensity as you feel up to it. This quest you are on will improve your life dramatically; good luck!
  • vdub88
    vdub88 Posts: 79
    walk walk walk - you can kick it up by walking with weights till you get stronger. walk longer each time - keep your heart rate up. You can do it! i'm overweight - no knee problems but i run 5k's now - the first one I did i walked most of it - but i was 289 pounds then. now 245 and jogging a 5k. you can do it - just keep walking longer and farther
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member
    hey great that your up for moving up a gear!! good on you!!!!

    I walk I pyshically cant run any length of distance because of arthritits but doing other things gets the weight off!!
    My wii was the best thing I bought easy, intermediate and hard levels on all activities!!
    there are workouts that have jog and sprint in them but I can manage that level so maybe worth a try after the
    walking is going well!!!

    just take it slow and if something doesnt feel right stop you dont want to
    do permenant damage!!!

    Again Good On You!!!! WELL DONE
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Talk to your GP BUT I have to say I used to have knee problems due to being overweight and made no end of excuses that I couldn't run because of it - now I run anything up to 5 days a week and am losing weight like never before - and my knee feels fine xxx

    I lost 20 pound and went from size 12 to size 6 without ever running at all -- almost exclusively walking. I run some now, but it isn't necessary. I don't think she's "making excuses."
  • jenthestrawberry
    jenthestrawberry Posts: 93 Member
    I am also overweight. I asked my trainer about this, and she told me that she doesn't recommend running or jogging to people who are more than 50 lbs overweight. You may want to consult your trainer, or doctor. The younger you are, the less chance you have of causing permanent damage, and healing quickly from it.

    Things she suggested to change up the routine, and burn more calories without actually running:

    Stairs: If there's a public place near you with outdoor stairs, or in the building you live in. Try to start, and end your walk with a set of stairs to get your heart rate hig, and burn more calories for a longer period of time.

    Arm circles, or lunges: You may look silly, but doing arm circles as you walk, or doing lunges while you wait for a light to change can help change things up.

    Weights: Add weights, either in a backpack (with good support and a front strap) or carry free weights.

    But her number 1 recommended thing was hills. Here, in Seattle there are lots of steep hills that can be a challenge to even the most fit person. Adding one or two to your daily walk can really help build your leg muscles as well as get that heart pumping! Or just turn that treadmill to full incline!

    Good luck!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I agree with all who suggest starting out with walking first. Also, if you are going to walk for long distances or run (even for short distances) wrap your knees. I use a medical grade knee brace for both of my knees due to arthritis and cartilage damage. I would NEVER run without them on. Please use caution with running - I do strongly recommend that you talk to your Dr. or a fitness trainer before running until you have quite a bit of weight. Damaging your knees lasts for the rest of your life.

    Good luck

  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    As an endurance runner I'd suggest walking first for sure, but don't be afraid to try a little jogging IF you have proper shoes and knee support :) Good luck!
  • Fergie2154
    Start Walking first.. Do not go out there and attempt to jog. Walk, Walk, Walk, until your body is adjusted. Add some light hand weights after a time and speed up your pace... and definitely talk to your Doctor.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Talk to your GP BUT I have to say I used to have knee problems due to being overweight and made no end of excuses that I couldn't run because of it - now I run anything up to 5 days a week and am losing weight like never before - and my knee feels fine xxx

    I lost 20 pound and went from size 12 to size 6 without ever running at all -- almost exclusively walking. I run some now, but it isn't necessary. I don't think she's "making excuses."

    I didn't actually say she was making excuses!!! Nowic is one of my friends and I was trying to encourage her!!! I said that I made excuses! xxx
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I apologize if I misread, but it came across as an implication that she was making excuses just like you were and that she won't lose weight well without jogging.

    This being written words and not spoken, sometimes misunderstandings happen. But I hate for anyone to think walking isn't adequate exercise when sometimes it's the best option someone has.