Paul Jaminet

I just read Perfect Health Diet by the Jaminets. Anyone else read this? I found the science fascinating. And Keto isn't loving me.

Thoughts anyone?

The takeaway I found is some good starch is necessary for balanced nutrition. No grains, no legumes, no sugar. Which I agree with, but have many challenges with grains. I kinda love popcorn.


But having a sweet potatoes and a bit of rice in my Chipotle bowl would really make me happy!


  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    I read the Perfect Health Diet when I was deep in my eating disorder, so I have a special hatred for anything that resembles paleo. I would not recommend cutting out entire food groups unless you have a legitimate medical condition, like celiac's. Cutting out foods you love will inevitably lead to binging. The science in that book is shaky at best. And ultimately, weight loss depends on your calorie balance- no specific diet is going to lead to magic weight loss. I'm much happier and thinner eating grains and sugar while being more active and watching my calories than I was following a paleo type diet and being severely orthorexic. Just my two cents.
  • rlengland2014
    rlengland2014 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm loving keto, so far. Someone posted in another keto thread that there is a study which shows it works well for insulin resistant people. If you're not insulin resistant, low fat high carbs works better. Food for thought. Sorry I don't know anything about Jaminet. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I just read Perfect Health Diet by the Jaminets. Anyone else read this? I found the science fascinating. And Keto isn't loving me.

    Thoughts anyone?

    The takeaway I found is some good starch is necessary for balanced nutrition. No grains, no legumes, no sugar. Which I agree with, but have many challenges with grains. I kinda love popcorn.


    But having a sweet potatoes and a bit of rice in my Chipotle bowl would really make me happy!

    Looks legit, avoid sugar but also eat sugar. Avoid grains but hey this grain is ok

  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Cutting out whole food groups is not the answer however cutting out full groups of items which are slowly poisoning you or robbing you of vital nutrients like grains do, is the right answer. White rice doesn't contain the bran and is much safer to eat but should be kept in reserve until you need it and if you are trying to maintain current weight. A ketogenic diet without grains and legumes will serve you better with energy and a clearer mind. BTW, I love popcorn too, but I hated what it did to me so it is easy for me to avoid knowing that.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    I read the Perfect Health Diet when I was deep in my eating disorder, so I have a special hatred for anything that resembles paleo. I would not recommend cutting out entire food groups unless you have a legitimate medical condition, like celiac's. Cutting out foods you love will inevitably lead to binging. The science in that book is shaky at best. And ultimately, weight loss depends on your calorie balance- no specific diet is going to lead to magic weight loss. I'm much happier and thinner eating grains and sugar while being more active and watching my calories than I was following a paleo type diet and being severely orthorexic. Just my two cents.
    I totally get what you are saying, but I actually found the science to make sense for me. They do not demonize any food group from my understanding. Unless you are talking about sugar and wheat, then yes, those are not recommended.

    I don't think it's touted as magic, just as a healthy option. What I liked is that carbs are not made out to be the bad guy.

    I hear you on the Paleo though. I've tried to be Paleo, but found all the rules and infighting to make me nervous and unhappy. I can't worry that any time I eat out that my steak might not have come from a Paleo-approved source. Stick it! :)
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Cutting out whole food groups is not the answer however cutting out full groups of items which are slowly poisoning you or robbing you of vital nutrients like grains do, is the right answer. White rice doesn't contain the bran and is much safer to eat but should be kept in reserve until you need it and if you are trying to maintain current weight. A ketogenic diet without grains and legumes will serve you better with energy and a clearer mind. BTW, I love popcorn too, but I hated what it did to me so it is easy for me to avoid knowing that.
    I know! (regarding popcorn) When I eat it once in a while now I get a tummy ache. It shouldn't smell so damn delicious.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    I totally get what you are saying, but I actually found the science to make sense for me. They do not demonize any food group from my understanding. Unless you are talking about sugar and wheat, then yes, those are not recommended.

    I don't think it's touted as magic, just as a healthy option. What I liked is that carbs are not made out to be the bad guy.

    I hear you on the Paleo though. I've tried to be Paleo, but found all the rules and infighting to make me nervous and unhappy. I can't worry that any time I eat out that my steak might not have come from a Paleo-approved source. Stick it! :)

    Sugar is a carb.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Sugar is a carb.


  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    *I know! (regarding popcorn) When I eat it once in a while now I get a tummy ache. It shouldn't smell so damn delicious.*

    I agree, I did find a good alternative and it has butter in it (or Ghee). I melt a tablespoon of either oil in a skillet then toss a pound of raw unsalted almonds in there and stir them up with sea salt and crushed rosemary. keep stirring occasionally until the almond becomes slightly darker but not burnt. Remove and let cool (if you can). I took some of these to the theater, and I did not miss popcorn one bit.

    As for Paleo in-fighting I have not really seen it, certainly they agree to disagree but they all seem to get along pretty well and they all seem to forgive their own legalism if they say something a bit too harshly. JMO
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It makes no sense. It's saying fructose free sweeteners so implying you should avoid fructose but then saying you can eat fruit which err contains fructose.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I know! (regarding popcorn) When I eat it once in a while now I get a tummy ache. It shouldn't smell so damn delicious.

    Yeah, what she said. I succumbed to air-popped popcorn with butter made at home last weekend ... and regretted it. I woke up Sunday with achy finger joints and felt crappy all day. :sad: But it sure tasted good!

    I listened to a Livin La Vida Lowcarb podcast today about resistant starch that mentioned the Jaminet book. The Fathead guy actually follows that diet now, too. They seemed to agree that for some people, after months or years on keto, adding in the right kind of starches in moderation is better. YMMV, as usual.
  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    I have started eating PHD, and I can say that it is the first "diet" that I actually love. I love the way real food tastes (rich and yummy), I love the way my house smells every night when I cook real food, and I LOVE the way I feel now.

    Yes, popcorn smells good. But steak cooked with butter and rosemary mixed with the aroma of baked sweet potatoes smells so much better.

    Yes, I was a hard sell when it came to eating more fat. I'm still not convinced I won't drop dead from heart disease from eating butter and egg yolks (gasp!). But now that I've eaten PHD for awhile, and I can say this: I'm not sure I care what the FDA says. PHD feels right and I feel good when eating that way. That is enough for me.

    Still, there is a part of me that whispers: "there is no way food that tastes this good can be healthy."
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Just out of curiosity, why is tapioca - which is literally nothing but carbs - safe whereas sugar - which is literally nothing but carbs - unsafe?

    Is there some logic I'm not seeing or...
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    What makes popcorn the devil?