Question for Planet Fitness ppl

cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
So I have a question for the people who workout at Planet Fitness (PF) or the people who support PF's rules. Do you really get offended by people in the gym who are in really great shape who make noise when they workout or may flex in the mirror? If so why? I'm asking b/c I recently worked out with a friend as a guest at PF. I met him there and was wearing and old T-shirt with the sides cut. He told me I probably wanted to put on another shirt or I'd get a bunch of funny looks and may get asked by staff to change it. WTF?! Is it really that serious?


  • Darkcelticnova
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I don't really pay too much attention to other people, I use planet fitness because the price is right.. the machines are kept up and it is close to work. I think the dress code issues are a little stupid... you can't wear a bandanna... ! I don't care if anyone if people grunt, it means you are working hard!
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    I work out there for the price as well and I do not mind at all if you grunt and groan and as far as I am concerned you can wear what you like. I do not even notice what other people are wearing. I do not know why they have those rules. :drinker:
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I personally don't care, but I don't work there. I go to Planet Fitness because my health insurance reimburses me my gym costs there.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Planet Fitness is close to work (I can work out at lunchtime) and the price is right.
    Grunting and flexing has never really bothered me too much.
    What irritates me is the screaming at every rep and the 10 minutes of flexing while blocking the weights.
    My lunchtime is at 2:00 PM so there is never anyone there so I cannot coment on how strict my home gym is on these rules.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    So I have a question for the people who workout at Planet Fitness (PF) or the people who support PF's rules. Do you really get offended by people in the gym who are in really great shape who make noise when they workout or may flex in the mirror? If so why? I'm asking b/c I recently worked out with a friend as a guest at PF. I met him there and was wearing and old T-shirt with the sides cut. He told me I probably wanted to put on another shirt or I'd get a bunch of funny looks and may get asked by staff to change it. WTF?! Is it really that serious?
    From all the people here, people don't choose the gym because it's "safe" or non-judgmental (although seems to be the judgiest place ever), but because it's cheap. I have a feeling a few higher ups thought it was a great idea when they came up with the gym, and all the franchises continue the trend, but it doesn't actually seem to be a big draw for clientele.
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    PF is not for me, as told to me by a manager. My views on that place fall along the lines of, for weight loss or mass gains it is as useless as an Old Navy in a nudist colony. For someone who is looking to just maintain via circuit training or goes for the occasional jog on a crappy day it's a great place to go.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    PF is not for me, as told to me by a manager. My views on that place fall along the lines of, for weight loss or mass gains it is as useless as an Old Navy in a nudist colony. For someone who is looking to just maintain via circuit training or goes for the occasional jog on a crappy day it's a great place to go.

    Hmmm. I managed to lose 40 lbs working out at PF.

    The good thing is, if you don't want to join PF, then you don't have to. If you don't want to abide by their dress code, you don't have to go there. It's plain and simple to me. I've been working out there for 6 years and I enjoy it, but I also don't mind following the rules that I agreed to when I signed up. If I did, I'd switch to another gym.
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    I think a lot has to do with individual managers. I'll tell you this much, setting that siren off on someone sitting under a loaded barbell is eventually going to end in a lawsuit when someone crushes their sternum or breaks some ribs.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    It's all about price and convenience. I've lost fat and put on muscle working out there, so I would disagree that a person cannot make gains there.
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    I think a lot has to do with individual managers. I'll tell you this much, setting that siren off on someone sitting under a loaded barbell is eventually going to end in a lawsuit when someone crushes their sternum or breaks some ribs.

    Wait, that's true?
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    That should be a thing.. a PF Flash mob.. all wearing tank tops or sports bras, Tight/short pants, bandanas and just start flexing...
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    I think a lot has to do with individual managers. I'll tell you this much, setting that siren off on someone sitting under a loaded barbell is eventually going to end in a lawsuit when someone crushes their sternum or breaks some ribs.

    Wait, that's true?

    Sure is! It's like an air raid siren inside the building, downright deafening and disorienting
  • dianaeatworld
    dianaeatworld Posts: 25 Member
    Been there for one year. My reason's for joining were because they are cheap, open 24 hours and less than a mile from my house. I could care less who is wearing what and who grunts and groans.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    That should be a thing.. a PF Flash mob.. all wearing tank tops or sports bras, Tight/short pants, bandanas and just start flexing...

    That is hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    That should be a thing.. a PF Flash mob.. all wearing tank tops or sports bras, Tight/short pants, bandanas and just start flexing...

    I would totally be up for this. But then, I wear normal running/aerobics clothes when I workout at my PF, which means they are mostly tight. I wear a sports bra with a tank or t-shirt up top, not necessarily tight, but definitely not long and loose. No one has ever mentioned my attire.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Never realized they had a dress code. I go there because it is cheap and it is halfway between my home and work and I can stop there in the morning. Never paid attention to anybody else, how they dress or if they grunt. Well I guess have paid attention to a few ladies in yoga pants.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    PF is not for me, as told to me by a manager. My views on that place fall along the lines of, for weight loss or mass gains it is as useless as an Old Navy in a nudist colony. For someone who is looking to just maintain via circuit training or goes for the occasional jog on a crappy day it's a great place to go.
    Not for weight loss?
    The formula for weight loss is quite simple and if you cannot drop weight as a PF member... well..... I guess some people need a little more hand holding then others.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Oh this thread again...
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I used to go to PF. Price was right: $10 per month. I really don't care what other people do or if they grunt, as long as they aren't yelling or anything crazy.

    I switched to Anytime Fitness because it is open 24 hours, 365 days per year. PF actually closed around 8 or 9 pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and with my work schedule, that was when I wanted to use it quite often.

    Anytime Fitness doesn't have any silly rules against hard core exercisers, but then again, I haven't really noticed any of those types of people in the gym.