Thirty Day Shred

Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
I just "completed" day 1 of TDS. Has anyone completed this and succeeded? I could barely do the workouts. I did my best and am sweating like a pig!

I'm not sure if I am wimpy and not pushing myself hard enough. I would like to hear about other's experiences; successful, unsuccessful, or mixed.



  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have an entire library of Jillian Michaels workout DVD's.... She is gives you tough workouts, but you will see results if you stick with it.... I like that she is motivational with just a touch of "mean" to keep you moving when you feel like punching her !! LOL
    I love her workouts because I truly feel like I have accomplished something when I an done.
    I did TDS, and I now have the new Extreme Shed & Shred and it is even harder....but still love JM.
  • Stadtkatze91
    Stadtkatze91 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have any experience yet, but I am going to start on Monday next week. I watched a bit of it already, I have to admit I have a lot of respect for this workout and I am also a bit scared. :bigsmile:
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    I've done 30DS before although I've never completed the entire thing. It does get easier. I remember my first time trying it. I think I stopped about 15 times! I also noticed that the first circuit was more difficult for me than the other 2 in the first stage. I kept telling myself that I only had 6 mins and then it would get better. Good luck!
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Awesome workout!! I'm on my second go around with it. Lost 6 inches and 5 pounds. It gets progressively tougher but you will see your stamina/endurance improve every day. Congratulations and good luck :0)
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    I'm halfway through 30DS and I'm strangely loving it! Each of the circuits are well-paced so it doesn't feel like time is dragging too much... well, apart from the 1 minute strength parts (lunges with bicep curls anyone? :bigsmile: )

    I always work up a sweat and feel like I've accomplished something after each work out. So far I've taken 3 rest days, which I feel make a difference in my energy the following day.

    Whatever you do, don't be put off by the aching muscles :sick: ! Good luck :happy:
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    It gets easier. I haven't actually done 30 days straight, because I take rest days or do something else, but you will get better if you keep at it. And then you'll get to the next level and feel like a weenie again, LOL.
  • CindySportsMom3
    CindySportsMom3 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started 30DS yesterday. I had trouble with the weights, not a lot of arm muscles. Keep going I heard it does get better the more you do it!
  • Stadtkatze91
    Stadtkatze91 Posts: 23 Member
    Well I'm afraid, that i am too heavy to do some of this stuff (209) - most of the people I see, who show their results, were already skinny and just wanted to get some nice abs. I was also thinking about doing "Ripped in 30" - can any of you recommend that more than thirty day shred? Is it probably easier?
  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    I have 8 more days to go then I'm done doing it. At the beginning it was really hard and I was exhausted after but after a week it got easier. Good luck (:
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I have an entire library of Jillian Michaels workout DVD's.... She is gives you tough workouts, but you will see results if you stick with it.... I like that she is motivational with just a touch of "mean" to keep you moving when you feel like punching her !! LOL
    I love her workouts because I truly feel like I have accomplished something when I an done.
    I did TDS, and I now have the new Extreme Shed & Shred and it is even harder....but still love JM.


    I also have about 10 JM DVDs and I just love her. If you get through the Shred and want more, I'd suggest Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. They are longer (and I think more difficult) but really give you a good calorie burn.

    I've done the Shred all the way through twice now, so if you want someone to motivate you, feel free to add me :smile:
  • deliciousmnm
    deliciousmnm Posts: 8 Member
    I started it but then got sick after day 5 so I didn't get to finish the 30 days. I will be starting again next week. It is a really good workout and you will get results. Keep at it, don't give up.
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    I did it for 10 days then had to stop due to injury but be sure by tonight you will be in so much pain I couldn't even sit on the toilet with out shouting owwwww from the pain in my legs for the first 3 day it does get easier would love to do it again but not allowed until I get the all clear from my GP. Good luck you will end up loving it I am sure !
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I weigh 200 and have been as high as 261 (12 yrs ago) - I've tried many different videos and sources of exercise (gym, run, bike), some things are easy for me, some hard. I like the Jillian videos - but they are definitely hard. Find something that's a challenge, but not crazy. You should be out of breath, but you should also be able to get out of bed the next day. If you've never worked out, or it's been a while, they might be too much. Start without any weights and see how it goes.
  • susanluvscheese
    susanluvscheese Posts: 7 Member
    I am doing Ripped in 30 right now and have done 30 Day Shred twice. They are about the same as far as intensity but you might find 30 Day Shred slightly easier. There is a lot of jumping (jumping jacks, butt kicks, etc) in the first 10 days of 30 day shred, but if you're looking for a good, sweaty, make you hurt (in a good way), then you'd prefer 30DS over Ripped in 30.
  • spally2
    spally2 Posts: 22
    I've just completed it, by the end of each 10 day stretch at each level it does get easier. For me Level 2 is by far the hardest and level 3 is more jumping squats and travelling press ups etc. After levels 2 and 3 I was definitely sweating. Perseverance is the key, it will get easier I promise
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I am on day 2. That cardio kills me but working through it. It says around day 5 or so it should get a bit easier. I guess we'll see!
  • naomigee161
    naomigee161 Posts: 41 Member
    I've completed it several times, with heavier weights each time round (once you can do the advanced moves)

    have a towel on hand to keep wiping the sweat off, drink a litre of water afterwards and do extra stretches and warmups (I combine several of the ones from her other dvds)

    it does get easier even if it doesn't feel like it (because you will be doing the moves properly as you get fitter)

    take your measurements beforehand and compare afterwards.

    move on to ripped in 30, banish fat boost metabolism or no more trouble zones afterwards if you want a challenge.

    stick with it!!
  • 2befitlife
    2befitlife Posts: 8 Member

    I've had this dvd for quite a while and I love it. At the beginning, it seems extremely hard and as if you will not make it through the entire dvd because I know I didn't. However, as I continued to do it everyday a gained more strength to endure the entire workout. Also, I noticed for me to endure the entire workout you must drink plenty of water before doing the workout to hydrate your muscles. You should do this with any workout. I couldn't really go by the scale doing this workout dvd because you will gain muscle and muscle weighs more, but I did lose a lot of inches that put me in a smaller size. I never completed the entire challenge but the most I did do was about 15 days constantly. Jilleen is a great trainer, you just have to pace yourself and give it all you have and you will see the difference. Hope this helps. I have been doing Taebo and Leslie Sansone dvds, but I just looked at my 30 day shred and was looking to do this challenge with someone.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    For me it was a "90 day shred" because I was so out of shape, I had to repeat each phase twice before moving on to the next.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I have done it twice and it kicked my tush both times. Great results! I really need to start it again...