I am so not prepared for this...oh boy! :(

I rejoined three days ago and so far it has come to my attention that I need to do a serious overhaul of my house, kitchen and basically my entire fridge! I'm STARVING!!!!! I have no food to eat...everything I do have is craaaaaaap!!!! :noway:

I have sworn off anything that grew in a cardboard box. What are you supposed to make with a bowl of left over spaghetti and a bottle of mustard? :sad:

Anyway, I have a question. Do you all stick with basic virgin olive oil or do you use something different now...I heard grapeseed oil was a good thing to have in the cupboard. Since I am going to have to restock everything...what are your 'must-haves'! :huh:

Oh I must apologize in advance...I am a confirmed smiliey fiend. Can't help it. Sorry! :blushing:


  • ellechim1
    ellechim1 Posts: 74 Member
    I use mostly coconut oil and small amounts of unsalted butter.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I use olive oil or butter or mayo or bacon. I'm not sure what you plan to do with the oil so can't answer specifically.

    Be careful cutting to many things. The longer your "can't eat that" list is, the more you may want it. Boxed/prepared things are loaded with sodium but sometimes the convenience outweighs the water gain, IMO. Now and then I mean.

    Good luck continuing this time!
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Take some time to stock up and get prepared. For now you can just eat the food you have but just eat less of it....don't starve yourself.
    And I just use normal olive oil....but not for any reason...its just what I have in the cupboard :)

    You will get into the swing of things soon, don't worry. I found it took several weeks to get into a good routine of preparing food and making packed lunches.

    Add me if you would like some extra support :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I rejoined three days ago and so far it has come to my attention that I need to do a serious overhaul of my house, kitchen and basically my entire fridge! I'm STARVING!!!!! I have no food to eat...everything I do have is craaaaaaap!!!! :noway:

    just eat the 'crap' in moderation...
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    I rejoined three days ago and so far it has come to my attention that I need to do a serious overhaul of my house, kitchen and basically my entire fridge! I'm STARVING!!!!! I have no food to eat...everything I do have is craaaaaaap!!!! :noway:

    I have sworn off anything that grew in a cardboard box. What are you supposed to make with a bowl of left over spaghetti and a bottle of mustard? :sad:

    Anyway, I have a question. Do you all stick with basic virgin olive oil or do you use something different now...I heard grapeseed oil was a good thing to have in the cupboard. Since I am going to have to restock everything...what are your 'must-haves'! :huh:

    Oh I must apologize in advance...I am a confirmed smiliey fiend. Can't help it. Sorry! :blushing:

    :) Nothing wrong with smilies! :D;)

    I use olive oil now and then but my go-to is coconut oil. I can't remember who mentioned it to me but I found it kind of odd at first as the "oil" is actually a solid. :) Not horribly pricey and although some people mention liking the taste, I honestly haven't noticed any additional flavor when I use it.

    Good luck with the clean-up. Once it's done and you know that everything in your home is fine to eat it will be so much easier to move forward!
  • La_Mema
    La_Mema Posts: 9 Member
    Hi!! And don't panic. I see it this way: You can't starve (not an option), and you do need to it, and wasting good food is a sin. So, eat what you have, and start making those changes gradually. If you can afford to throw away what you have or donate it, and start over, then do just that. I have crap in my house just as well, I just have to incorporate it into my everyday life until I'm rid of all of it.

    I've never used Grape Seed oil. EVOO is a must in my kitchen, as well as Canola oil (that's for those 'I Must Have Something Deep Fried' days). I just started using Coconut Oil, which I'm liking a lot (I also use it as a hair conditioner, make-up remover, and moisturizer, so I'm getting the most out of it).

    Must haves: Lots of fresh veggies, greens, onions, peppers, garlic, sweet potato or yams (great replacement for regular white potato), eggs. I've also started replacing all of my pasta with whole wheat or rice pasta (which is a bit pricey, but great alternative). Brown rice, couscous, quinoa for sides.

    Once you have lots of healthy sides, you can add any meat to eat. I also have lots of canned soup - pair that with a nice salad for lunch, and it's quick and easy. My salad dressing of choice is some balsamic vinegar and olive oil (sometimes I add a little fresh garlic to it).

    I hope these little tips help.

    And no more panicking - the first step is always the hardest.....Now, off the gym I go!!

  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Choose the oil based on the application. Higher-end EVOO is great for salads but it's ill-suited for a steak or a stir fry. I like sesame oil for adding a bit of flavor to vegetables. Coconut oil or MCT oil are great pre-workout (just don't overdo it). All oils are rich in calories, so you might as well get the best suited/tasting one for the task at hand and enjoy it. :smile:
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I still use the olive oil but might try some others after this thread ;)

    I find it waaayyyy to overwhelming to make a major overhaul all at once.

    This is what worked for me when I first started:

    I made out some meal plans for lunches for the week. Not something different for every meal but a 'rough draft' so to speak because I eat repeats. Get those things at the store. I overhauled my lunches first. Cooked basically the same things for supper. Then I decided to add a protein drink in the morning so figured that out. Then I added more 'sides' to my regular supper that were friendly to my diet. I changed up the snack items I have in the house as I learn something new etc.

    All that happened slowly - over the course of weeks/months. It is still my method of how I make changes. I try some new recipes from time to time. I"m making a slow switch to brown rice versus white (I'd just switch but I"m bringing four kids along for the ride ;) You don't have to do it all at once to get started.

    My supper meals have hardly changed at all. The brown rice switch, making some new recipes, and I have more veggie options instead of just one because I'm hungry and need more food since I eat smaller portions of the main meal.
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    I would say make a few changes in what you have in your home and get them to habit stage, then make a few more changes. Repeat until it is entirely the way you want it. By doing it this way you kind of ease into it. Too many or too drastic changes all at once would be a recipe for failure for me. I suspect it is for many, but probably not all, people.

    So maybe I would start with not buying things that are empty calories - cookies, candies, chips, etc. - and replace them with fruits and veggies. Then, after 3-4 weeks of this, maybe stop drinking soda and juices and replace them with plain water or herbal tea. Then, in another 3-4 weeks ...

    If you don't think you can ease into it this way, then a complete overhaul may give you the incentive to remain with the program. I just think it is lots harder to try to make all of those changes at once. I think you only have a certain amount of willpower and adjusting to all the changes at once will take more more willpower than is available.

    Regardless of how you choose to approach it, I am glad you made the choice to work on getting healthier! :love: :flowerforyou:

    ETA: My must haves are light string cheese, Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, a variety of fruit and vegetables (fresh or frozen depending on season), grass fed beef (my dad raises them), peanut butter, olive oil, butter, almond milk, and popcorn.
  • TiLo0905
    TiLo0905 Posts: 34
    Thanks so much everybody and yes I guess I did sound a little panicky there didn't I hahaha! I went shopping and restocked my cupboards and tomorrow will be like my first day, because then I can actually make decent meals. My first entry on here was Easter dinner...not too smart! :noway:

    One of my saving graces is that I switched to eating brown a long time ago, pasta, bread etc, so that won't be hard. Its the sauces...oh my sauces...how I will miss you! :sad:

    I need to learn how to cook darnit.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Thanks so much everybody and yes I guess I did sound a little panicky there didn't I hahaha! I went shopping and restocked my cupboards and tomorrow will be like my first day, because then I can actually make decent meals. My first entry on here was Easter dinner...not too smart! :noway:

    One of my saving graces is that I switched to eating brown a long time ago, pasta, bread etc, so that won't be hard. Its the sauces...oh my sauces...how I will miss you! :sad:

    I need to learn how to cook darnit.

    Figure out a realistic calorie goal*, don't label foods "good" or "bad", meet your minimum goals for fat and protein*, and enjoy the food you eat. Life and losing weight will be a lot easier and it won't throw you into a panic.

    *MFP sucks at both of these things when they make recommendations, I'd start here for help: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Thanks so much everybody and yes I guess I did sound a little panicky there didn't I hahaha! I went shopping and restocked my cupboards and tomorrow will be like my first day, because then I can actually make decent meals. My first entry on here was Easter dinner...not too smart! :noway:

    One of my saving graces is that I switched to eating brown a long time ago, pasta, bread etc, so that won't be hard. Its the sauces...oh my sauces...how I will miss you! :sad:

    I need to learn how to cook darnit.
    why can't you have sauces?
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I use canola, extra virgin olive oil, and unsalted butter.
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    I use EVOO and Canola Oil for the most part. I haven't tried the coconut oil yet but have heard great things about it.

    I am also one of those 80/20 people (eat healthy/good 80% of the time and junk 20% of the time). Now that I'm over the gallbladder surgery (emergency surgery to remove a gallbladder is no fun) and know that I can eat everything I used to, I'm starting to fall back into the watching my macros and if the "crap" food fits into my macros then I'm eating it. I went a little overboard for a week or two in the junk food category but pulling myself back on track.

    If you can afford to overhaul your kitchen, go for it. But if you can't, then do it slowly and start learning moderation and how to weigh and measure everything. That way you're also not limiting yourself and saying "I can't have that" (I know for me the minute I hear that I cannot have something, then I want it like there's no tomorrow).

    Best wishes on your weight loss journey! You can do this!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I find essentials are different for everyone, so here is what I do. Do research on various recipes and shopping around them.
    Also one thing that helps me lose weight is recreating recipes of 'treats' I like so that they are a healthier version of them.
    If you are really busy and stuff and if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, then it's getting warmer (I am in the Southern Hemisphere, it's coming into Winter soon here). So I use a lot of fresh Salad Vegetables and fresh fish and chicken.
    There are so many ideas out there for great healthy food that tastes amazing, go explore!!

    As far as oils go? Depends what for. Salads I use olive oil, cooking I use spray Rice Bran oil and coconut oil and butter.
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    You've taken the first steps!

    I would regularly leave in and currently in-house:
    Mixed peppers, red onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, mixed salad leaves, kale (love making kale "chips" with some olive oil), cod, salmon, tuna, tortilla wraps, sometimes burgers and some wholemeal baps, coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk, balsmatic (can't spell this) rice, skinless chicken fillets, Greek Yoghurt, Weightwatchers yoghurts, spices and herbs - I love cayene pepper. I love sardines, also some ryvita crackerbread, eggs (always fully loaded with lots of eggs for endless dishes - my fav - scrambled eggs, poached eggs, omelette - so basic and easy to make!). Fruit: blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples and grapes. I leave lemons in too whereby I like to slice up some lemon and put in some water to drink. Kidney beans, butterbeans, baked beans, mixed beans. I'd leave in quorn mince too sometimes.

    I use coconut oil and also olive oil in my cooking. Depends what I'm making though.

    I make everything from scratch. Wouldn't leave in any boxed or processed foods. I still have treat days ;) It's a lifestyle change and it is hard but once you get yourself into it you'll be fine!
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Thanks so much everybody and yes I guess I did sound a little panicky there didn't I hahaha! I went shopping and restocked my cupboards and tomorrow will be like my first day, because then I can actually make decent meals. My first entry on here was Easter dinner...not too smart! :noway:

    One of my saving graces is that I switched to eating brown a long time ago, pasta, bread etc, so that won't be hard. Its the sauces...oh my sauces...how I will miss you! :sad:

    I need to learn how to cook darnit.

    Figure out a realistic calorie goal*, don't label foods "good" or "bad", meet your minimum goals for fat and protein*, and enjoy the food you eat. Life and losing weight will be a lot easier and it won't throw you into a panic.

    *MFP sucks at both of these things when they make recommendations, I'd start here for help: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I'd start by reading "a guide to get you started on your path to sexypants." Also, as far as cooking goes, pick some dishes (or sauces) you like and use the internet. There are so many websites for recipes and even recipes for the beginner. Add me if you wish, and if you find some recipes but need some lower fat tweaks to them, I might just be able to help (I've been on a weight loss journey for most of my life, this time has definitely been different from the beginning and has been working).
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I rejoined three days ago and so far it has come to my attention that I need to do a serious overhaul of my house, kitchen and basically my entire fridge! I'm STARVING!!!!! I have no food to eat...everything I do have is craaaaaaap!!!! :noway:

    just eat the 'crap' in moderation...

    ^ This
  • TiLo0905
    TiLo0905 Posts: 34
    im talking about my high fat extra creamy alfredo sauces that I put on EVERYTHING! For awhile I am going to let them go...maybe at some point I can treat myself...but for now I've been treating myself a little too much lately :blushing:
  • TiLo0905
    TiLo0905 Posts: 34
    'sexypants' sounds a lot better than my current 'eatingpants' lol I like this!