Setting goals for myself and seeing them through!

I just wanted to share my story with you all.

I've been overweight my whole life. Or least I felt that way. But I wasn't always this way. When I was younger, my mother had a funny way of making me self aware, even when I was 10 years old. At 25, I ballooned up to my highest weight EVER (303 lbs) and I decided to change that. I lost about 27 pounds over the last summer, but pretty much gained all but 2 pounds back.

But this year I've had an epiphany.

I woke up. I was tired of carrying so much weight on me that I could barely make it to the bathroom to pee. I was tired of sprouting excess and UNWANTED body hair, due to insulin resistance. I was tired of lacking mental clarity, and becoming instantly lethargic after a meal. I was done.

Image issues weren't the root of my problem, health was.

Since mid-January, I've lost over 40 pounds. And I feel wonderful. I've been trying to stick with food tracking, and my food scale has helped tremendously. I occasionally cheat, but it's always within reason, and each time I do, I wonder why I even liked all the junk I did in the first place. I work out 2-3 times a week, all of which are strenuous workouts. I'm more coordinated and focused, unlike when I first started. I can walk up steps without being winded. I'm stronger, and well balanced.

I just feel wonderful. All of my clothes fit terribly loose, even down to my bras. And clothes that I thought fit fine before were apparently too snug and now look great. For the first time in eons, I can feel my clavicles (LOL). My arms and legs are much smaller, and my spare tire around my waist is slimming down. I currently weigh 262.8 pounds and I still have a ways to go, but I just feel so inspired and ready to lose my next 20. Who knows how far I'll actually go!

I wanted to share my story because there is someone out there, someone like me, who doesn't even know where to begin. But this is like a testimony, a healthy lifestyle is a happier life. And I wanted to reach out to those discouraged in their weight loss journey because I've been there. I was always taught to extend a kind word, because you never know who out there needs it. And there is someone out there who is struggling but please know from me personally, from the bottom of my heart: You're beautiful and you got this. I love you with every piece of me :)

Start out slow, make your first goal 10-20 pounds. Then meet that goal. And make another goal, and meet that one. Don't set goals so high that you feel discouraged just trying to meet them. If you have 60 pounds to lose, I promise losing 10 pounds makes a huge difference. So set your goals realistically. Don't weigh yourself every day, just once a week. You'll drive yourself insane. And more importantly, just read kind words like these from all the amazing people I've met on MFP who've changed their lived by making the smallest changes first. I've never posted until today, but at my lowest point I would just jump on the forums and read inspiring stories and get my gusto back.

So good luck to you on your fitness journey. Once you get the ball rolling, it's so worth it.

<3 Nichelle
