Does Split Cardio Have the Same Benefit

Just wondering if doing split cardio sessions as in 2 X 15 mins sessions on the elliptical have the same benefits/calories burned as in one straight session of 30 minutes?


  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    There's an increasing amount of evidence that says multiple shorter bursts of exercise are as beneficial.

    There's a lot of factors so it's hard to do an exact one to one comparison. But just the fact it's easier to fit multiple 15 minute sessions in can result in more actual exercise being done and less inactivity throughout the day.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Wonderful news..........because i always thought ur body didn't burn fat until after 20min of cardio has gone by....
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    I've been inactive and I'm really out of shape, and just got an elliptical for home. It kicked my butt--I could only do 10 minutes! So I kicked back. I did 3 10-minute sessions. :) I've always been in the mindset that even 10-15 minutes at a time of anything adds up. My HRM says I'm burning fat in 10 minutes (which, of course, is always just a guesstimate, as reliable as HRMs are.)
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    Wonderful news..........because i always thought ur body didn't burn fat until after 20min of cardio has gone by....

    Your body burns fat based purely on calories in vs. out. The 20 minute thing was actually more to do with some of the other benefits of cardio (heart, lungs etc.). Even there though they have changed their tune.

    The main thing is to get the heart rate elevated and make yourself work for breath a bit and that can certainly be done in 15 minutes.