insanity ?

so i just finished my fit test and now i feel like i have to throw up is this normal omg what the hell did i just get my self in to and also i dont have a heart rate monitor is how do i log my cals burnerd help please!!


  • amyj8271
    amyj8271 Posts: 1 Member
    It gets better as the days increase, I kept track with a tape measurer, but I wished I would have gotten a heart rate monitor. I hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • ejoh40509
    ejoh40509 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey girl, just hang on in there if you can (they say it gets better). I have Insanity just got it about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I done the fit test as well, and after that fit test I was like HeLL NaH. Insanity is too high impact for me, and hard on my breast and knees. I paid a good piece for it, so I said I will just have to hang in there. But, ya know what, I did try, girl I put that on Ebay and sold it. More power to ya if you can hang in there, cause if you can you will reap the rewards. As far as calories burned, you will need to invest into a heart rate monitor, cause everyone doesn't burn the same amount of calories doing the same exercise. It depends on your weight and the rate of your heart. If you ever do invest into a HRM I would suggest the F7 Polar (its the best). Good luck on your Insanity cause Shaun T is Good!!! That was one of the reason I got the Insanity cause I have his Hip Hop Abs and it has done wonders for me. He keeps me motivated and I like his energy and how he puts Hip Hop into it. Girl, just try and hang on in there, and get you a HRM, cause if you going to be working out "INSANE" I would want to know what I'm burning. Good luck!
  • jimbodan
    so i just finished my fit test and now i feel like i have to throw up is this normal omg what the hell did i just get my self in to and also i dont have a heart rate monitor is how do i log my cals burnerd help please!!

    I felt the same way after my first fit test, but now I'm just starting week 3 and I don't have that problem anymore, I'm down to just taking a couple breaks per workout and I can definitely notice a difference in my endurance level from when I started to now. Keep hanging in there! The longer you do it, the easier it will get!
  • precioustypeoflove
    precioustypeoflove Posts: 197 Member
    so i just finished my fit test and now i feel like i have to throw up is this normal omg what the hell did i just get my self in to and also i dont have a heart rate monitor is how do i log my cals burnerd help please!!

    I felt the same way after my first fit test, but now I'm just starting week 3 and I don't have that problem anymore, I'm down to just taking a couple breaks per workout and I can definitely notice a difference in my endurance level from when I started to now. Keep hanging in there! The longer you do it, the easier it will get!

    well im just glad it was not just me thanks to all of u guys!!