Stinkin Thinkin???

I just posted this on my own page, but I just wanted to get some more opinions, so, here goes...

I'm just trying to get a sense of whether or not I'm losing my mind or not. I've lost 56 lbs so far, which is GREAT, but here's the thing, everyone's treating me different and it's weird. I mean, obviously, if you didn't know me before, you don't know the difference. But those that do know me are kinda weirding me out. Men are more receptive and more gentlemanly. Again, great stuff, but now, I'm treated much more like an object. Before, it was much more about business, which is what it should be because I'm a professional! Now they do lots of gawking.And the women are weird too. The other day, my friend came downstairs to my floor to ask a question and she stops in mid sentence to stare at me and goes, "Wow, Lavi. You look... really... DIFFERENT! How much have you lost?" but it was in a room full of people that turned, got all quiet, and stared. I answered, but instead of feeling proud, I felt a bit ostracized. I felt like people were staring, wondering "Well damn! How fat was she before?" And the other day at the bank, the teller looked at my drivers license 3 times, even bringing closer to his face, and shaking his head, like "Who the hell is this girl?" I told him "Yes, it's me. I've lost weight." He goes, "Oh wow! Yea! Great job!" but he still looked kinda disgusted. Another example is when I went to spinning class a few weeks ago. There's a lady that's lost a lotta weight over the years, and I've been going there on and off for about 2 years. I was getting coffee before the class starts and she comes up behind me, taps me on the shoulder, looks me up and down and goes, "Wow! You lose (she's Cuban so her English isn't great) a lotta weight!" So, of course, I said, "Thank you!" and turned back to fixing up my coffee. She stays there, still giving me the visual body scan, and goes, "Yes! Lots of weight!" I say thank you again. Again, she goes, "Wow! Such an improvement. Big improvement!" and walks away. Guys, in 2 years, this lady's never even fixed her mouth to say "Good Morning! How are you?" to me. This is the FIRST THING she's ever said to me, and even when she said it, it was with a look of disdain on her face. Look, I want to make it clear that I'm not typically the person that cares about people and their opinions. I'm actually fairly self-centered at times, but this weight loss stuff has got my head a bit messed up. I'm still wearing big *kitten* clothes because I'm afraid to throw stuff out, just in case I need them again. But, I don't EVER want to need them again! And I'm working hard so I never have to need them again. Some days, though, "Stinkin' Thinkin" really messes up my head. So, in your humble opinions, in my losing my mind or are these feelings typical? Thanks in advance!