Butter and Margarine



  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    For the most part any dairy at all I eat anymore must be organic and yes the fat is higher but I use so little now I never have a problem working it in.

    Why is the fat higher in organic butter?

    I did not state that well..my fault. I meant the fat is higher than margarine/sprays that were being debated,
    Sorry about that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Margarine is actually a carbohydrate not a fat, which is why it works so well on bread

    Geez, where do you all get this stuff? Plastic? Carbs? Nonsense!!

    Ingredients from the margarine I buy: Butter (sweet cream, salt), canola oil, water, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, plant sterols, and salt.

    11g fat, 0g carbohydrates.

    Canola oil is GMO.

    Much of it is, yes. So?
    I don't see a problem with GMO per se but I don't consume refined veg oils especially ones that have trans fats like canola does.

    Okay. I don't worry about trace amounts of trans fat in canola oil any more than I worry about it in meat or dairy. But to eat his own. Eat what you like.
    Except the naturally occurring trans fats are not the same as the man made ones.......... If someone is consuming canola once in a while then the amount (4 to 6%) won't do too much damage but if a person is using it for their primary source that adds up to one hell of a lot of trans fats, and that is not healthy. But justify it any way you want....like you said, eat what you want.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "justify it". I feel no need to justify my dietary preferences.

    And, if you ask nutrition or medical professionals, most would likely say that trans fat from meat or dairy can be a problem if a person eats a lot of full fat dairly or fatty meats.
    Well, that's conveniently vague..Which studies are those that show the trans fats in dairy and in meat are problematic.........your talking causation now, so please be specific.

    It might be a good time for you to find out the difference between conjugated linoleic acids which are the naturally occurring trans fats and the hydrogenated ones makde mostly from refined polyunsaturated omega's, but I somehow doubt that will happen.

    ?? I wasn't talking about causation of anything.
    No, you never do....I guess it was just your dogma showing.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Grassfed butter all the way. Nutritious, trace minerals, natural.

    I just tried to feed my butter grass but it didn't seem interested in it at all. Maybe I'm using the wrong brand.