I want to get my LBM up I'm 6' 3" and lightly active also 165 pounds of body weight. I wonder if eating 3700 kcal daily will get my lbm up? I workout everyday 60 minute cardio and 20 minute moderate weight lifting. ( dead lift and planking ,no machine).
I'm trying this for this week to get my Body weight near 170 and reducing my waist (34 1/2 " ATM).


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you want to increase LBM, eat 10-15% above maintenance calories, inclusive of exercise. I would also suggest getting off, or at least reduce, the cardio and make most of it HIIT, You will also want to increase the strength training as strength training + fuel + rest time is what will increase muscle mass. Cardio will just use up cals you want to go into building LBM, so if you do cardio, you have to eat even more.
  • hasilovess
    If you want to increase LBM, eat 10-15% above maintenance calories, inclusive of exercise. I would also suggest getting off, or at least reduce, the cardio and make most of it HIIT, You will also want to increase the strength training as strength training + fuel + rest time is what will increase muscle mass. Cardio will just use up cals you want to go into building LBM, so if you do cardio, you have to eat even more.

    My concern is weight gain, I'm just afraid of getting too much weight since I was obese. I'll try to do HIIT, the least I want is to get body fat. I want muscle mass but no body fat.