Eat Before or After a Run?

zhogle Posts: 14 Member
Hi All,

I've recently begun running in the morning before work and I had a question for the more seasoned runners out there. To get the most out of my run, am I better off eating breakfast before my run or after?

I eat a fairly light breakfast, just a bowl of cereal to get me going. Thanks in advance for the help!



  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi there.

    I too am a relatively new runner. I don't run in the morning (nobody could drag me out of bed early enough to go before work!), I run after work, but I find that if I'm hungry while I'm running, I don't perform as well and the run feels harder. Usually I grab a banana quick for a boost of energy, and that gets me through my 45 minute run and tides me over till dinner. Generally, I don't really feel like eating much after a workout anyways!

    Not sure about "getting the most" out of your run... I've heard pros and cons to exercising in a fasted state, but I myself feel crappy when I do. :)
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    To build on my last comment... I think it's important to replenish your body after a strenuous workout, especially with protein and some complex carbs to boost up your sugars and keep the metabolism going. Sooo.... to answer your question... both!?!? :)
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    when I run in the morning I will eat and wait about 30 mins to run but I usually run in the afternoon these days and I will have a half of turkey sandwich on low calorie bread just to get energy but not anything more. Then Ill have dinner after.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I don't eat anything before I run, when I run in the morning.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For ME; if it's a light run, I'm fine whatever.
    If it's a more intense one, I do suffer without having eaten.

    Noticeable when I've entered races and been massively off the pace I should be at if I haven't eaten.

    When running similar distances but on a 'social' run with a slowish group at the local running club, I'm fine without eating - and usually the one racing to the top of each hill section etc.

    So I'd just say "whatever works for you". Try both and if you feel you do better with food, eat.
    If you don't want to eat and it doesn't cause you problems, don't :).
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Depends on the person.

    I usually workout in the morning and never eat before hand. The only time I will eat within 2 hours of a run is on a race day or on a Saturday when I need to do a long run and need that fuel.

    Otherwise, I always eat after I run. My stomach (and bowels, for what it's worth) don't like food when I'm running.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think either is fine....whatever won't make you throw up. But I'm no expert. I just can't eat and then run :noway:
  • HmSkillit
    HmSkillit Posts: 7 Member
    I always try to fuel any exercise. I really hate the intense hunger that comes post-workout if I didn't eat before. For me, it can be as simple as a protein shake or fruit. I used to replenish after, by drinking a protein shake on the drive home. Otherwise, I'd end up overeating. I guess you find what works for you. If you lack energy during a workout, that alone tells you to boost before starting.
  • mjbself
    mjbself Posts: 15 Member
    I am new to running as well and have read all the websites - enough to be dangerous as they say. I have a small yogurt or banana about an hour before I run (usually in the evening) and then some chocolate milk on my drive home. I also make sure that I am fully hydrated before running, so I usually drink 16-24 oz of water an hour to an hour and a half before. I found my endurance to be more steady with this routine ( I also have asthma), which is a fancy way of saying that I am not breathing like I might keel over any minute!
  • I don't run, but walk at 4 MPH in the morning, so it's almost running. I eat a small meal about a half hour before I go, then another small meal about half an hour after I get back. Otherwise I'm hungry in the middle of my walk :)
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I tend to have a light snack about an hour before I hit the pavement. I find that I need at least a teensy bit of fuel to propel me through a morning run, but I'll eat my larger meal once I am back. For instance, I might have some chopped fruit and Greek yogurt prior to the run, and then come home and have a veggie and cheese omelet with toast for breakfast.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You can run in the mornings without eating, just me sure you choose something to replenish the carbs afterwards. But really, everyone's different- experiment and see what works for you.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    I wake (4:40am-6:00am) up and I'm out the door within 20 minutes. If I eat solid before a run, my stomach is a wretched mess starting at mile 3-4 until the end which could be another 10 more miles.

    On shorter 6 mile runs not eating is not a problem. But at 6+ miles I'm starving, so I will eat a Stinger Waffle and start with some Gels prior to heading out. Then Gels every 45 minutes up to 13 miles or every 30 minutes for 13+ miles.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    If I am running in the morning - I need a little something in my stomach just to keep it from rumbling - an english muffin with a little cream cheese or peanut butter, a small/or half a protein/granola bar - that sort of thing. You'll have to experiment and see what works for you. I need to eat something that I won't spend my run burping up. If I am running a 5k or whatever, I have an egg and cheese sammich about an hour or so before the race. Yum!
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I try not to eat anything 2 hours before a run. In the morning, if I absolutely need it I will eat a GU before my run. Otherwise, I just enjoy my breakfast after the run.
  • christinehuds
    christinehuds Posts: 42 Member
    I've found that I absolutely run best when I've had a small meal before my run. Before my shorter morning runs (3-5 miles), I'll have a banana and maybe a tablespoon of peanut before. Before my longer morning runs (6+ miles), I'll have 1 slice of whole wheat toast with a banana and peanut butter and little honey drizzled over top. That breakfast has never failed me on a run. I always feel great.

    I have a very hard time running on an empty stomach. Food is fuel, so I think it's best to find the morning running fuel that works best for you. Before a run, try for quickly digestible carbs (a banana) and avoid foods that are high fat, high fiber and high protein.

    After a run, I like to replenish and recover with carbs and protein, so I usually have cereal or oatmeal and nonfat Greek yogurt.

    Here's a helpful link for what to eat before you run.

    I hope this helps!
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi All,

    I've recently begun running in the morning before work and I had a question for the more seasoned runners out there. To get the most out of my run, am I better off eating breakfast before my run or after?

    I eat a fairly light breakfast, just a bowl of cereal to get me going. Thanks in advance for the help!


    i eat a small amount of something 30 min before and then refuel with a full breakfast afterwards.

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  • tanyoshka
    tanyoshka Posts: 50 Member
    I run first thing in the morning as well. The first few times I tried it I got so dizzy afterwards that I thought I was going to pass out. A friend recommended that I eat a little something before just to give me a little boost of energy. Now I drink a large glass of crystal light and half of a granola bar on my way to the gym. It's enough to let me work out hard, but not so much to bother my workout or keep me from eating a "real" breakfast later in the morning.

    I think it's a personal preference. I would try out a few different things and see what helps you perform the best during your workout.
  • zhogle
    zhogle Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm usually not up early enough to eat 30 minutes or more before the run, but I'm also only running about 5K right now. I think I'll go with my breakfast afterwards as long as it's not affecting me negatively during runs.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've recently begun running in the morning before work and I had a question for the more seasoned runners out there. To get the most out of my run, am I better off eating breakfast before my run or after?

    Depends on the session, but generally for a morning run I'll be planning either my long run or a moderate distance steady paced session. For my long run I'll have a bowl of porridge with a handful of mixed nuts about 45 minutes before I go out. IF I didn't I'd be burning out after 6 miles or so.

    For a speedwork session I generally do them in the evenings after work, so end up having a bottle of water and sometimes a granola bar or something about 30 minutes before heading out. Couldn't cope with anything heavier without throwing up.