high protein diet

hi! I just began, yet another attempt, to loose weight. I have started a high protein low carb plan. 2 scoops eas whey protein, skim milk, fruit smoothie for breakfast, a protein and vegtable for lunch, protein and veg for dinner, and then 1 scoop eas whey protein, skim milk and either fruit or pumpkin smoothie for snack. I am eating all my calories and have not started exercising yet. anyone have success with a high protein diet? any suggestions? success stories? negitive stories? advice? anything?


  • NickiChase
    NickiChase Posts: 44 Member
    How do you know if you're getting too much protein...or is there even such a thing?
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Just be aware that high protein diets are a culprit behind bad breath. Make sure you do get some carbs in there as that helps. Also, drink lots of water because if the kidneys aren't able to process the proteins, the liver will come to help which can actually short circuit your weight loss. Best of luck!
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    Im doing it the old fashioned way.....I eat 5 times a day. I chose from healthy foods including turkey chicken fish on occasion red lean meat. fruits lots of salads (veggies) wheat breads ect
    I dont do sugar white breads ect...only on occasion to I eat a slice of cake

    I enjoy the foods I eat

    I believe if you eat healthy the only time you need the protein shakes ect is if you are training to be a body builder
    If you eat the right foods you wont need additional protein

    I also believe if I remember correctly the American Heart association frowns on high protein diets

    Ive committed to exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 min a day...I generally go over that.....I also weight train a few days a week

    Since the second week in Aug I have dropped 34 lbs and about 12 inches in my waist.

    For me its been a mind thing......I finally realize food is a fuel and not a hobby I realized cows graze and Im not a cow...I realized me not hurting was more important than my desire of food

    Abusing food is simply not worth it anymore.....
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    medical research shows that consuming too much protein -- more than 30% of your total daily caloric intake -- could actually harm your body, says protein expert Gail Butterfield, PhD, RD, director of Nutrition Studies at the Palo Alto Veterans' Administration Medical Center and nutrition lecturer at Stanford University.

    She says that a diet containing excess protein can have the following adverse effects:

    * Adding more protein but not more calories or exercise to your diet won't help you build more muscle mass, but it may put your other bodily systems under stress.
    * Eating more protein and increasing total caloric intake while maintaining the same exercise level will build an equal amount of additional fat and muscle mass, according to a study published in 1992 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    Some days MFP is like facebook....messes up
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I'd start exercising if you're going to do the high protein diet. If you're not breaking down and absorbing extra protein to rebuild your muscles, it'll be really hard on your kidneys. A true low carb diet wouldn't include milk or fruit, but if it's working for you that's great. My advice would be 3-5 days of cardio and weight training, lots and lots of low starch veggies, and only low fat dairy and lean protein. It's a challenge, but that's what dieting is, right
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I follow a paleolithic way of eating which means any carbs I do get are from fruit and veg and I do eat a lot of protein. However I exercise a lot - 6 days a week at least once a day. Because of the amount of protein I eat ( from chicken, fish and extra lean beef), I drink a lot of water - usually around 3 litres a day. I took protein shakes in the first 2 weeks of my diet change but that was because I was exercising which I wasn't doing before and my muscles needed it. Now I get all the protein I need from my diet. However if I have done a lot of exercise and my muscles are feeling it I would probably have a shake to help repair them.

    I don't think I could eat this way without doing the amount of exercise I do. In short I exercise 6 days a week ( although I still walk 3 miles on a sunday but count it as my rest day). I eat lean meat, vegetables and nuts and berries. I do not eat any dairy or processed food ( once a week I have a spike day where I can eat what I like but I am finding increasingly that I just want to continue as per the rest of the week).

    Good luck xxx